Ubiquitous computing: An overview of technology impacts
Ubiquitous computing is considered as a promising technological path of innovation.
Intensive R&D activities and political strategies are addressing the objective to foster …
Intensive R&D activities and political strategies are addressing the objective to foster …
Understanding the determinants of RFID adoption in the manufacturing industry
Radio frequency identification (RFID) is one of the most promising technological
innovations, with the potential to increase supply chain visibility and improve process …
innovations, with the potential to increase supply chain visibility and improve process …
Real-time information capturing and integration framework of the internet of manufacturing things
Currently, the typical challenges that manufacturing enterprises faced are the lack of timely,
accurate and consistent information of manufacturing things (resources) during …
accurate and consistent information of manufacturing things (resources) during …
Improving RFID adoption in Taiwan's healthcare industry based on a DEMATEL technique with a hybrid MCDM model
The use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has progressed tremendously in
recent years. In the healthcare industry, the decision to adopt RFID technology is a problem …
recent years. In the healthcare industry, the decision to adopt RFID technology is a problem …
Adoption of RFID technologies in UK logistics: Moderating roles of size, barcode experience and government support
Due to globalization, logistics has become an important part in the supply chain. Many
logistics service providers have realised the importance of adoption of technologies that can …
logistics service providers have realised the importance of adoption of technologies that can …
Map** the benefits and costs associated with process innovation: The case of RFID adoption
The successful implementation of any innovation requires an understanding of its benefits
and costs. This study examines the changes in the magnitude of costs and benefits …
and costs. This study examines the changes in the magnitude of costs and benefits …
Applying the Technology-Organization-Environment framework to explore ICT initial and continued adoption: An exploratory study of an independent hotel in Hong …
This exploratory study aims (1) to examine the factors affecting information and
communication technology (ICT) initial adoption and continued adoption decisions of an …
communication technology (ICT) initial adoption and continued adoption decisions of an …
A case of implementing RFID-based real-time shop-floor material management for household electrical appliance manufacturers
Abstract Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies provide automatic and accurate
object data capturing capability and enable real-time object visibility and traceability …
object data capturing capability and enable real-time object visibility and traceability …
Assimilation of tracking technology in the supply chain
While tracking technology has become increasingly accessible, firms still struggle with
deploying these technologies into the supply chain. Using the complementary perspectives …
deploying these technologies into the supply chain. Using the complementary perspectives …
[PDF][PDF] RFID Implementations in the Wood Supply Chains: State of the Art and the Way to the Future
The focus of this review paper is to present the state of the art regarding RFID
implementations in wood supply chains, covering the tree marking stage till the …
implementations in wood supply chains, covering the tree marking stage till the …