Predicting dynamic heterogeneity in glass-forming liquids by physics-inspired machine learning

G Jung, G Biroli, L Berthier - Physical Review Letters, 2023 - APS
We introduce GlassMLP, a machine learning framework using physics-inspired structural
input to predict the long-time dynamics in deeply supercooled liquids. We apply this deep …

Continuum limit of the vibrational properties of amorphous solids

H Mizuno, H Shiba, A Ikeda - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2017 -
The low-frequency vibrational and low-temperature thermal properties of amorphous solids
are markedly different from those of crystalline solids. This situation is counterintuitive …

Revealing hidden structural order controlling both fast and slow glassy dynamics in supercooled liquids

H Tong, H Tanaka - Physical Review X, 2018 - APS
The dynamics of a supercooled liquid near the glass transition is characterized by two-step
relaxation, fast β and slow α relaxations. Because of the apparently disordered nature of …

From motility-induced phase-separation to glassiness in dense active matter

M Paoluzzi, D Levis, I Pagonabarraga - Communications Physics, 2022 -
Dense active systems are widespread in nature, examples range from bacterial colonies to
biological tissues. Dense clusters of active particles can be obtained by increasing the …

Disordered collective motion in dense assemblies of persistent particles

YE Keta, RL Jack, L Berthier - Physical review letters, 2022 - APS
We explore the emergence of nonequilibrium collective motion in disordered nonthermal
active matter when persistent motion and crowding effects compete, using simulations of a …

Long-wavelength fluctuations and the glass transition in two dimensions and three dimensions

S Vivek, CP Kelleher, PM Chaikin… - Proceedings of the …, 2017 -
Phase transitions significantly differ between 2D and 3D systems, but the influence of
dimensionality on the glass transition is unresolved. We use microscopy to study colloidal …

Unveiling ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism in two dimensions at room temperature

RMT Araujo, J Zarpellon… - Journal of Physics D …, 2022 -
The aim of this work is to present an overview and a critical discussion on two-dimensional
materials and functional nanostructures exhibiting ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic long …

Structural order as a genuine control parameter of dynamics in simple glass formers

H Tong, H Tanaka - Nature communications, 2019 -
Glass transition is characterised by drastic dynamical slowing down upon cooling,
accompanied by growing spatial heterogeneity. Its rationalisation by subtle changes in the …

Microscopic structural origin of slow dynamics in glass-forming liquids

S Ishino, YC Hu, H Tanaka - Nature Materials, 2025 -
Supercooled liquids display sluggish dynamics, often attributed to their structural
characteristics, yet the underlying mechanism remains elusive. Here we conduct numerical …

Dynamic heterogeneity at the experimental glass transition predicted by transferable machine learning

G Jung, G Biroli, L Berthier - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
We develop a machine learning model, which predicts structural relaxation from amorphous
supercooled liquid structures. The trained networks are able to predict dynamic …