[PDF][PDF] Exploring Literature Reading Classes in Terms of Types of Feedback Provided by EFL Teachers: Does Teaching Experience Play a Determining Role?
М Азизи, М Павликова… - Образование и …, 2020 - researchgate.net
Reading comprehension is thought to be a very challenging skill for L2 (second language)
learners, and definitely the role that feedback has in enhancing reading achievement is …
learners, and definitely the role that feedback has in enhancing reading achievement is …
[HTML][HTML] Оптимизация использования ресурсов онлайн-обучения для развития коммуникативной компетенции студентов
ВИ Иванова, АЕ Девришева - Перспективы науки и образования, 2022 - cyberleninka.ru
Введение. Вынужденный переход вузов на дистанционное обучение потребовал
изменения подходов, технологий и методов обучения. Изучение иностранного языка …
изменения подходов, технологий и методов обучения. Изучение иностранного языка …
Investigating the co-development of reading fluency and reading comprehension through mindful teaching of collocations in EFL classroom
Ф Хонамри, М Павликова, Ф Фалахати… - Science for Education …, 2020 - elibrary.ru
Проблема и цель. Предрасположенность к осознанности и ее влияние на
успеваемость студентов широко исследовалась в последние два десятилетия …
успеваемость студентов широко исследовалась в последние два десятилетия …
WebQuest as a Means of Students' Soft Skills Development in Engineering Foreign Language Education
O Medvedeva - International Conference on Professional Culture of the …, 2023 - Springer
Soft skills are essential skills for engineering specialists of the 21st century. Therefore, they
should be developed during higher education, and means of foreign language education …
should be developed during higher education, and means of foreign language education …
[PDF][PDF] Exploring Teachers' and Learners' Attitude towards Homework: The case of English versus Non-English-Major Teachers' Homework Practices
Homework assignments provide a channel of communication between students and
teachers especially in an EFL context where there is little exposure to English language out …
teachers especially in an EFL context where there is little exposure to English language out …
The role of scaffolding through peer collaborative feedback in EFL literature students' oral presentation of short stories
The purpose of the present empirical research was to investigate the effects of peer
assessment on students' oral presentation of short stories. With the attempt to investigate the …
assessment on students' oral presentation of short stories. With the attempt to investigate the …
[PDF][PDF] Implementation of the Professionally-Oriented Foreign Language Competence in Terms of Integrative Approach for Training Future Engineers
N Tymkiv, N Nychkalo, L Lukianova - The New Educational …, 2022 - bibliotekanauki.pl
The article deals with the actual issues of forming professionally-oriented foreign language
competence concerning the future engineers' training. The article testifies the necessity of …
competence concerning the future engineers' training. The article testifies the necessity of …
Перспективы науки и образования
Введение. Проанализирован опыт подготовки специалистов для науки и наукоемких
технологий на примере отдельных ведущих университетов Великобритании …
технологий на примере отдельных ведущих университетов Великобритании …
Исследование совместного развития беглости чтения и понимания прочитанного с помощью осознанного обучения словосочетаниям
Х Фатима, М Павликова, Ф Фатима… - Science for Education …, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
Проблема и цель. Предрасположенность к осознанности и ее влияние на
успеваемость студентов широко исследовалась в последние два десятилетия …
успеваемость студентов широко исследовалась в последние два десятилетия …
[HTML][HTML] Reading comprehension and fluency
M Mullin - northccs.com
The goal of reading is to gain information, whether it is what happens to the characters in a
story, or learning about the world. Reading fluency is the speed and accuracy of decoding …
story, or learning about the world. Reading fluency is the speed and accuracy of decoding …