[KNYGA][B] The ritual animal: Imitation and cohesion in the evolution of social complexity
H Whitehouse - 2021 - books.google.com
A radical exploration of how rituals have influenced history over thousands of years. From
infancy, we copy those around us in order to be like others, to be one with the tribe. Other …
infancy, we copy those around us in order to be like others, to be one with the tribe. Other …
Development of the social brain from age three to twelve years
Human adults recruit distinct networks of brain regions to think about the bodies and minds
of others. This study characterizes the development of these networks, and tests for …
of others. This study characterizes the development of these networks, and tests for …
Perspectives on culture and concepts
The well-respected tradition of research on concepts uses cross-cultural comparisons to
explore which aspects of conceptual behavior are universal versus culturally variable. This …
explore which aspects of conceptual behavior are universal versus culturally variable. This …
Similarities and differences in concepts of mental life among adults and children in five cultures
How do concepts of mental life vary across cultures? By asking simple questions about
humans, animals and other entities–for example,'Do beetles get hungry? Remember things …
humans, animals and other entities–for example,'Do beetles get hungry? Remember things …
Body and mind in early China: An integrated humanities–science approach
E Slingerland - Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 2013 - academic.oup.com
This article argues against the strong “holist” position that the early Chinese lacked any
concept of mind–body dualism, and more broadly against a “neo-Orientalist” trend that …
concept of mind–body dualism, and more broadly against a “neo-Orientalist” trend that …
Do minds switch bodies? Dualist interpretations across ages and societies
Researchers explain cultural phenomena ranging from cognitive biases to widespread
religious beliefs by assuming intuitive dualism: humans imagine minds and bodies as …
religious beliefs by assuming intuitive dualism: humans imagine minds and bodies as …
A social anthropology of ghosts in twenty-first-century America
Although belief in ghosts or analogous concepts is prevalent cross-culturally, including in
contemporary Western cultures, social scientific treatments of spirit belief and experience …
contemporary Western cultures, social scientific treatments of spirit belief and experience …
Autism attenuates the perception of the mind-body divide
I Berent, RM Theodore, E Valencia - … of the National Academy of Sciences, 2022 - pnas.org
People are intuitive Dualists—they tacitly consider the mind as ethereal, distinct from the
body. Here we ask whether Dualism emerges naturally from the conflicting core principles …
body. Here we ask whether Dualism emerges naturally from the conflicting core principles …
[PDF][PDF] Developmental and cross-cultural evidence for intuitive dualism
Humans may intuitively be dualists, imagining physical bodies and non-physical minds as
distinct and separable. Intuitive dualism has been invoked to explain diverse phenomena …
distinct and separable. Intuitive dualism has been invoked to explain diverse phenomena …
The distant reading of religious texts: A “big data” approach to mind-body concepts in early China
This article focuses on the debate about mind-body concepts in early China to demonstrate
the usefulness of large-scale, automated textual analysis techniques for scholars of religion …
the usefulness of large-scale, automated textual analysis techniques for scholars of religion …