The ecological role of permanent ponds in Europe: a review of dietary linkages to terrestrial ecosystems via emerging insects

L Fehlinger, B Misteli, D Morant… - Inland Waters, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Permanent ponds are valuable freshwater systems and biodiversity hotspots. They provide
diverse ecosystem services (ESs), including water quality improvement and supply, food …

Heterogeneity in the isolation of patches may be essential for the action of metacommunity mechanisms

AI Borthagaray, D Cunillera-Montcusí, J Bou… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2023 -
The spatial isolation gradient of communities and the gradient in the species dispersal ability
are recognized as determinants of biodiversity in metacommunities. In spite of this, mean …

Dispersal mode and spatial extent influence distance-decay patterns in pond metacommunities

I Tornero, D Boix, S Bagella, C Pinto-Cruz, MC Caria… - PLoS …, 2018 -
Assuming that dispersal modes or abilities can explain the different responses of organisms
to geographic or environmental distances, the distance-decay relationship is a useful tool to …

Class Hexapoda: general introduction

D Boix, N Bonada, I Muñoz, E Baquero… - … and Ecology of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract Hexapods in the Mediterranean Basin are very diverse in terms of species and
biological traits, and have been used in both fundamental and applied research. The …

Influence of habitat complexity on the prey mortality in IGP system involving insect predators (Heteroptera) and prey (Diptera): Implications in biological control

S Brahma, D Sharma, S Banerjee, GK Saha, G Aditya - Plos one, 2022 -
Intraguild predation (IGP) is common in the freshwater insect communities, involving a top
predator, intraguild prey (IG prey) and a shared prey. Influence of the habitat complexity on …

Diversity and variability of macroinvertebrates in ponds within the limestone post-exploitation area in Górażdże (Poland) over a 10-year period

I Czerniawska-Kusza, A Brożonowicz - Authorea Preprints, 2023 -
Artificial ponds are an integral feature of the landscape in many parts of the world and
contribute greatly to regional diversity. The study aimed to (1) investigate the structure and …

Uses of Ponds in Nawalparasi West District, Lumbini Province of Nepal

CL Chidi, S Aryal - The Third Pole: Journal of Geography Education, 2022 -
This study analyzes the existing uses of ponds in the Nawalparasi West district of Lumbini
Province of Nepal. Ponds are of great importance for various aspects of nature and human …

[HTML][HTML] Insects associated to ephemeral pools in Huentelauquén (29ºS Coquimbo Region, Chile)

J Pizarro-Araya, FM Alfaro… - Brazilian Journal of …, 2022 - SciELO Brasil
In northern central Chile, ephemeral pools constitute shallow isolated water bodies with a
favourable habitat for fauna adapted to seasonal changes. Based on the limited knowledge …

Ecohydrology of temporary ponds

SV Martins - 2019 -
Temporary ponds (TP) comprise a complex ecohydrology and are extremely vulnerable to
habitat degradation. These ecosystems contain species rarely found elsewhere but the …

[NAVEDBA][C] A Descriptive Analysis of Avian diversity at the ephemeral pools in the lowland Peruvian Amazon

E Newins - 2023