Domestication of industrial microbes
Domestication refers to artificial selection and breeding of wild species to obtain cultivated
variants that thrive in man-made niches and meet human or industrial requirements. Several …
variants that thrive in man-made niches and meet human or industrial requirements. Several …
Horizontal gene transfer among microorganisms in food: current knowledge and future perspectives
The possibility of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) among microorganisms in food matrices
has been specifically targeted in a few investigations, though most current knowledge has …
has been specifically targeted in a few investigations, though most current knowledge has …
Lactic acid bacteria
H König, J Fröhlich - Biology of Microorganisms on Grapes, in Must and in …, 2017 - Springer
A typical lactic acid bacterium grown under standard conditions is aerotolerant, acid tolerant,
organotrophic, and a strictly fermentative rod or coccus, producing lactic acid as a major end …
organotrophic, and a strictly fermentative rod or coccus, producing lactic acid as a major end …
Molecular perspectives and recent advances in microbial remediation of persistent organic pollutants
Nutrition and pollution stress stimulate genetic adaptation in microorganisms and assist in
evolution of diverse metabolic pathways for their survival on several complex organic …
evolution of diverse metabolic pathways for their survival on several complex organic …
Genomic and phenotypic imprints of microbial domestication on cheese starter cultures
V Somerville, N Thierer, RS Schmidt, A Roetschi… - Nature …, 2024 - nature.com
Domestication–the artificial selection of wild species to obtain variants with traits of human
interest–was integral to the rise of complex societies. The oversupply of food was probably …
interest–was integral to the rise of complex societies. The oversupply of food was probably …
Implications of new research and technologies for malolactic fermentation in wine
The initial conversion of grape must to wine is an alcoholic fermentation (AF) largely carried
out by one or more strains of yeast, typically Saccharomyces cerevisiae. After the AF, a …
out by one or more strains of yeast, typically Saccharomyces cerevisiae. After the AF, a …
Probiotic properties of non-conventional lactic acid bacteria: immunomodulation by Oenococcus oeni
The widely used probiotic bacteria belong to the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium
and have in most cases been isolated from the human gastrointestinal tract. However, other …
and have in most cases been isolated from the human gastrointestinal tract. However, other …
Evolution of mutation rates: phylogenomic analysis of the photolyase/cryptochrome family
JI Lucas-Lledó, M Lynch - Molecular biology and evolution, 2009 - academic.oup.com
Photoreactivation, one of the first DNA repair pathways to evolve, is the direct reversal of
premutagenic lesions caused by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, catalyzed by photolyases in a …
premutagenic lesions caused by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, catalyzed by photolyases in a …
[PDF][PDF] Experimental evolution and the adjustment of metabolic strategies in lactic acid bacteria
Experimental evolution of microbes has gained lots of interest in recent years, mainly due to
the ease of strain characterisation through next-generation sequencing. While evolutionary …
the ease of strain characterisation through next-generation sequencing. While evolutionary …
Improving Oenococcus oeni to overcome challenges of wine malolactic fermentation
Oenococcus oeni is crucial for winemaking, bringing stabilization, deacidification, and
sensory impacts through malolactic fermentation (MLF) to most wine styles. The poor …
sensory impacts through malolactic fermentation (MLF) to most wine styles. The poor …