Modeling nitrogen chemistry in combustion
Understanding of the chemical processes that govern formation and destruction of nitrogen
oxides (NO x) in combustion processes continues to be a challenge. Even though this area …
oxides (NO x) in combustion processes continues to be a challenge. Even though this area …
Combustion at the focus: laser diagnostics and control
Fifty years after the foundation of the Combustion Institute and almost 150 years after
Michael Faraday's famous lectures on the combustion of a candle, combustion diagnostics …
Michael Faraday's famous lectures on the combustion of a candle, combustion diagnostics …
Study on laminar flame speed and flame structure of syngas with varied compositions using OH-PLIF and spectrograph
Various Bunsen flame information of premixed syngas/air mixtures was systematically
collected. A CCD camera was used to capture the flame images. The OH-PLIF technique …
collected. A CCD camera was used to capture the flame images. The OH-PLIF technique …
Laser diagnostics of trace species in low-pressure flat flame
Laser-based diagnostic methods can measure the absolute concentrations of various atoms
and molecules, even at low concentrations. They can also measure temperature with high …
and molecules, even at low concentrations. They can also measure temperature with high …
Experimental and modelling study of 1CH2 in premixed very rich methane flames
A Fomin, T Zavlev, VA Alekseev, I Rahinov… - Combustion and …, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract Stoichiometric and very rich (1.5≤ ɸ≤ 1.9) laminar flat flames of methane have
been investigated using nonintrusive laser diagnostics. Premixed CH 4+ O 2+ N 2 flames …
been investigated using nonintrusive laser diagnostics. Premixed CH 4+ O 2+ N 2 flames …
2D effects in laminar premixed flames stabilized on a flat flame burner
AA Konnov, R Riemeijer, VN Kornilov… - Experimental thermal and …, 2013 - Elsevier
In the present work non-idealities of flat burner-stabilized flames at atmospheric and low
pressures are examined using PIV measurements, which are supported by and analyzed …
pressures are examined using PIV measurements, which are supported by and analyzed …
Quantitative determination of combustion intermediates with cavity ring-down spectroscopy: systematic study in propene flames near the soot-formation limit
A Schocker, K Kohse-Höinghaus, A Brockhinke - Applied optics, 2005 - opg.optica.org
Cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) was applied in several fuel-rich, one-dimensional,
premixed C_3H_6/O_2/Ar flames at 50 mbars (37.5 torr) to measure absolute OH, HCO …
premixed C_3H_6/O_2/Ar flames at 50 mbars (37.5 torr) to measure absolute OH, HCO …
Measurement of OH concentration profiles by laser diagnostics and modeling in high-pressure counterflow premixed methane/air and biogas/air flames
A Matynia, J Molet, C Roche, M Idir, S De Persis… - Combustion and …, 2012 - Elsevier
Detailed kinetic mechanisms validated under atmospheric or low-pressure flame conditions
cannot generally be directly extrapolated toward high pressure, due to the lack of …
cannot generally be directly extrapolated toward high pressure, due to the lack of …
Near-infrared detection and line intensity measurements of H2S with ECDL source based off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy
N Kumar, AK Pal, RJ Kshirsagar - Chemical Physics, 2023 - Elsevier
Hydrogen sulphide (H 2 S) is an extremely hazardous gas which leads to poisoning at
higher concentration. Here, we demonstrate the trace detection and line intensity …
higher concentration. Here, we demonstrate the trace detection and line intensity …
Development of a cavity ring-down spectrometer toward multi-species composition
LFFM Barbosa, PB Dubowik… - Review of Scientific …, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
This work presents the development of a cavity ring-down spectrometer (CRDS) designed
for the detection of several molecules relevant for air pollution, including the second …
for the detection of several molecules relevant for air pollution, including the second …