Effective and efficient classification of gastrointestinal lesions: combining data preprocessing, feature weighting, and improved ant lion optimization
This paper presents an approach that combines the data preprocessing, feature weighting,
and the improved antlion optimization algorithm for effective and efficient classification of …
and the improved antlion optimization algorithm for effective and efficient classification of …
Sensitivity analysis of feature weighting for classification
Feature weighting is a well-known approach for improving the performance of machine
learning algorithms that has been gaining a lot of traction recently. It rescales the feature …
learning algorithms that has been gaining a lot of traction recently. It rescales the feature …
[PDF][PDF] Exploiting clustering patterns in training sets to improve classification performance of fully connected layers
TA Kalaycı - 2023 - polen.itu.edu.tr
What machine learning algorithms basically do is to uncover these patterns and
relationships. At this point, it is fair to assert that inherent clusters among observations of a …
relationships. At this point, it is fair to assert that inherent clusters among observations of a …