Climate change affects multiple dimensions of well-being through impacts, information and policy responses
The consequences of climate change and responses to climate change interact with multiple
dimensions of human well-being in ways that are emerging or invisible to decision makers …
dimensions of human well-being in ways that are emerging or invisible to decision makers …
A critical review of disproportionality in loss and damage from climate change
The notion of disproportionate impacts of climate change on certain groups and regions has
long been a part of policy debates and scientific inquiry, and was instrumental to the …
long been a part of policy debates and scientific inquiry, and was instrumental to the …
Observed changes and impacts Ongoing climate trends have exacerbated many extreme
events (very high confidence). The Australian trends include further warming and sea level …
events (very high confidence). The Australian trends include further warming and sea level …
Health psychology: Theory, research and practice
Welcome to Health Psychology: Theory, Research and Practice (Seventh Edition). This
textbook provides an in-depth introduction to the growing field of health psychology. It is …
textbook provides an in-depth introduction to the growing field of health psychology. It is …
[HTML][HTML] “Land is everything, land is us”: Exploring the connections between climate change, land, and health in Fort William First Nation
LP Galway, E Esquega, K Jones-Casey - Social Science & Medicine, 2022 - Elsevier
The myriad and cumulative impacts of climate change on land, communities, and health are
increasingly evident worldwide. Throughout 2019 and 2020, Fort William First Nation and …
increasingly evident worldwide. Throughout 2019 and 2020, Fort William First Nation and …
Climate change and Indigenous mental health in the Circumpolar North: A systematic review to inform clinical practice
Climate change is disproportionally impacting the Circumpolar North, with particular impacts
among Indigenous populations. Environmental changes are felt in many aspects of daily life …
among Indigenous populations. Environmental changes are felt in many aspects of daily life …
Climate change, biodiversity loss, and indigenous peoples' health and wellbeing: A systematic umbrella review
LJ Brubacher, L Peach, TTW Chen… - PLOS Global Public …, 2024 - journals.plos.org
Indigenous Peoples worldwide are experiencing a cascade of impacts on their health and
wellbeing as a result of climate change and biodiversity loss. Existing literature at the …
wellbeing as a result of climate change and biodiversity loss. Existing literature at the …
Power in resilience and resilience's power in climate change scholarship
Resilience thinking has undergone profound theoretical developments in recent decades,
moving to characterize resilience as a socio‐natural process that requires constant …
moving to characterize resilience as a socio‐natural process that requires constant …
“There's so much more to that sinking island!”—Restorying migration from Kiribati and Tuvalu to Aotearoa New Zealand
Abstract Background and Aims Many Pacific people are considering cross‐border mobility in
response to the climate crisis, despite exclusion from international protection frameworks …
response to the climate crisis, despite exclusion from international protection frameworks …
[HTML][HTML] Diversifying Indigenous vulnerability and adaptation: An intersectional reading of Māori women's experiences of health, wellbeing, and climate change
Despite evidence that Indigenous peoples' multiple subjectivities engender diverse lived
experiences both between and within Indigenous groups, the influence of multiple …
experiences both between and within Indigenous groups, the influence of multiple …