Educators' perceptions of responsibility-sharing in feedback processes

N Winstone, E Pitt, R Nash - Assessment & Evaluation in Higher …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Many policies and processes in higher education reinforce a conception of feedback as
being the transmission of information, thus placing primary responsibility on educators for …

Towards signature assessment and feedback practices: a taxonomy of discipline-specific elements of assessment for learning

KM Quinlan, E Pitt - Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Through an extended commentary on the empirical articles in this special issue 'Signature
Assessment and Feedback Practices in the Disciplines' we elaborate the concepts of …

'Instructor in action': Co‐design and evaluation of human‐centred LA‐informed feedback in MOOCs

P Topali, R Cobos, U Agirre‐Uribarren… - Journal of Computer …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Background Personalised and timely feedback in massive open online courses (MOOCs) is
hindered due to the large scale and diverse needs of learners. Learning analytics (LA) can …

Exploring intercultural dialogic interactions between individuals with diverse feedback literacies

V Rovagnati, E Pitt - Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Feedback is a dialogic process in which diverse individuals are involved. In
internationalised higher education, individuals with different feedback literacies are likely to …

Unlock the feedback potential: Scaling effective teacher-led interventions in massive educational contexts

P Topali, A Ortega-Arranz, Y Dimitriadis… - … and Feedback Design …, 2024 -
Feedback plays an integral role in the learning process serving as a vital component for
improvement and motivation. Typically, teachers provide feedback by considering various …

Police education and role play: Insights from the literature

A Turner - The Police Journal, 2022 -
This article provides a literature review into the utilisation of role play and reflection, as
valuable teaching strategies which should be considered for implementation, within the …

The effects of interim feedback on perceptions and outcomes of assessment in a first-year history course

E Morecroft, C Campbell - Innovations in Education and Teaching …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Research on the first year of higher education (FYHE) has shown that students benefit from
scaffolding to ease the transition to university. Constructively aligned assessment and …

Three easy ways to foster self-assessment and learning in higher STEM education

B Forster-Heinlein, H Epperlein, E Mille… - 2023 IEEE 2nd …, 2023 -
In a series of mathematics seminars we have pursued subsequent action research projects
including student-induced questions, certainty-based marking and rubrics for self-and peer …

Democratizing Assessment for Sustainable Learning in Mathematics Instruction: Giving Students Agency in Classroom Research (Work-in-Progress)

S Caspari-Sadeghi, E Mille, H Epperlein… - 2023 IEEE Global …, 2023 -
This work-In-Progress employs Participatory Action Research (PAR), with an emphasis on
collaboration, reflexivity and democratic process, to develop sustainable …

A Computerized Dynamic Assessment Approach to Evaluate Critical Thinking Among Psychology Undergraduates

H Moeiniasl - 2024 -
Psychology undergraduates need critical thinking (CT) skills to evaluate arguments, identify
fallacies, and detect unwarranted assumptions amid information and misinformation …