First insights into the diverse human archaeome: specific detection of archaea in the gastrointestinal tract, lung, and nose and on skin
Human-associated archaea remain understudied in the field of microbiome research,
although in particular methanogenic archaea were found to be regular commensals of the …
although in particular methanogenic archaea were found to be regular commensals of the …
Controls on O2 Production in Cyanobacterial Mats and Implications for Earth's Oxygenation
Cyanobacterial mats are widely assumed to have been globally significant hot spots of
biogeochemistry and evolution during the Archean and Proterozoic, but little is known about …
biogeochemistry and evolution during the Archean and Proterozoic, but little is known about …
Biogas production from anaerobic co-digestion of durian shell with chicken, dairy, and pig manures
Durian shell (DS), a kind of fruit waste with a very large annual production yield, is mainly
discarded in Asia. Currently, finding a reasonable method to utilize this bioresource is …
discarded in Asia. Currently, finding a reasonable method to utilize this bioresource is …
How phoD-harboring functional microbial populations trigger the release risk of phosphorus in water sediment system of Shijiuhu Lake, China after experiencing the …
Excessive phosphorus (P) enrichment is the critical cause of eutrophication in the lake
water. Organic P (P o) mineralization processes induced by alkaline phosphatase (APase) …
water. Organic P (P o) mineralization processes induced by alkaline phosphatase (APase) …
Part B, Volume 2, Chapter 5: microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISS)
To date, microbialites include five groups: stromatolites, thrombolites, leiolites, and
dendrolites. All these microbialites occur in carbonate or silica lithologies. However …
dendrolites. All these microbialites occur in carbonate or silica lithologies. However …
Bacterial and fungal community structures in Hulun Lake are regulated by both stochastic processes and environmental factors
Y Shang, X Wang, X Wu, H Dou, Q Wei… - Microbiology …, 2024 - journals.asm.org
Microorganisms are a crucial component of lake ecosystems and significant contributors to
biogeochemical cycles. However, the understanding of how primary microorganism groups …
biogeochemical cycles. However, the understanding of how primary microorganism groups …
Potential ecological implication of Cladophora oligoclora decomposition: Characteristics of nutrient migration, transformation, and response of bacterial community …
L Zhang, S Huang, X Peng, B Liu, X Zhang, F Ge… - Water Research, 2021 - Elsevier
During decay, the sediment microenvironment and water quality are severely affected by
excessive proliferation of harmful algae such as filamentous green algae (FGA). The …
excessive proliferation of harmful algae such as filamentous green algae (FGA). The …
Community characteristics and functional gene response analysis of phosphorus-metabolizing bacteria in plateau saline lake sediments
W Yang, J Ma, Y Zhen, W Li, Z Yao… - Frontiers in Environmental …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Microbial phosphorus metabolism in sediments and the biogeochemical cycling of
phosphorus have been central issues in lake ecosystems, but the analysis of microbial …
phosphorus have been central issues in lake ecosystems, but the analysis of microbial …
Biologically mediated release of endogenous N2O and NO2 gases in a hydrothermal, hypoxic subterranean environment
The migration of geogenic gases in continental areas with geothermal activity and active
faults is an important process releasing greenhouse gases (GHG) to the lower troposphere …
faults is an important process releasing greenhouse gases (GHG) to the lower troposphere …
Brackish groundwaters contain plastic-and cellulose-degrading bacteria
The selected brackish groundwater occurrences in the geotectonic regions of Inner
Dinarides of western Serbia (Obrenovačka Banja) and Serbian crystalline core (Lomnički …
Dinarides of western Serbia (Obrenovačka Banja) and Serbian crystalline core (Lomnički …