Multivariate algorithmics for NP-hard string problems
String problems arise in various applications ranging from text mining to biological
sequence analysis. Many string problems are NP-hard. This motivates the search for (fixed …
sequence analysis. Many string problems are NP-hard. This motivates the search for (fixed …
[HTML][HTML] Anti-powers in infinite words
In combinatorics of words, a concatenation of k consecutive equal blocks is called a power
of order k. In this paper we take a different point of view and define an anti-power of order k …
of order k. In this paper we take a different point of view and define an anti-power of order k …
Pattern matching with variables: Fast algorithms and new hardness results
A pattern (ie, a string of variables and terminals) maps to a word, if this is obtained by
uniformly replacing the variables by terminal words; deciding this is NP-complete. We …
uniformly replacing the variables by terminal words; deciding this is NP-complete. We …
Pattern matching with variables: Efficient algorithms and complexity results
A pattern ɑ (ie, a string of variables and terminals) matches a word w, if w can be obtained
by uniformly replacing the variables of ɑ by terminal words. The respective matching …
by uniformly replacing the variables of ɑ by terminal words. The respective matching …
Defining phylogenetic network distances using cherry operations
In phylogenetic networks, picking a cherry consists of removing a leaf that shares a parent
with another leaf, or removing a reticulate edge whose endpoints are parents of leaves …
with another leaf, or removing a reticulate edge whose endpoints are parents of leaves …
[HTML][HTML] Computing equality-free and repetitive string factorisations
ML Schmid - Theoretical Computer Science, 2016 - Elsevier
For a string w, a factorisation is any tuple (u 1, u 2,…, uk) of strings that satisfies w= u 1⋅ u
2⋯ u k. A factorisation is called equality-free if each two factors are different, its size is the …
2⋯ u k. A factorisation is called equality-free if each two factors are different, its size is the …
Finding the Anticover of a String
A k-anticover of a string x is a set of pairwise distinct factors of x of equal length k, such that
every symbol of x is contained into an occurrence of at least one of those factors. The …
every symbol of x is contained into an occurrence of at least one of those factors. The …
String Factorization via Prefix Free Families
A factorization of a string S is a partition of w into substrings u_1,…, u_k such that S= u_1
u_2⋯ u_k. Such a partition is called equality-free if no two factors are equal: u_i≠ u_j,∀ i, j …
u_2⋯ u_k. Such a partition is called equality-free if no two factors are equal: u_i≠ u_j,∀ i, j …
Local Maximal Equality-Free Periodicities
In this paper, we study local maximal antiperiodicities. Given a string X and an integer k, we
compute the maximal k-antiperiodicity starting at every position of X; that is, we identify a …
compute the maximal k-antiperiodicity starting at every position of X; that is, we identify a …
The maximum equality-free string factorization problem: Gaps vs. no gaps
A factorization of a string w is a partition of w into substrings u_1,\dots, u_k such that w= u_1
u_2 ⋯ u_k. Such a partition is called equality-free if no two factors are equal: u_i ≠ u_j, ∀ i, j …
u_2 ⋯ u_k. Such a partition is called equality-free if no two factors are equal: u_i ≠ u_j, ∀ i, j …