Fuzzy concepts applied to food product quality control: A review

N Perrot, I Ioannou, I Allais, C Curt, J Hossenlopp… - Fuzzy sets and …, 2006 - Elsevier
Fuzzy logic is now a wide field of study and different tools have been developed over the last
10 years. Its implementation in food quality control for the food industry has been highlighted …

Colour calibration of a laboratory computer vision system for quality evaluation of pre-sliced hams

NA Valous, F Mendoza, DW Sun, P Allen - Meat science, 2009 - Elsevier
Due to the high variability and complex colour distribution in meats and meat products, the
colour signal calibration of any computer vision system used for colour quality evaluations …

Principal component analysis and artificial neural network based approach to analysing optical fibre sensors signals

E Lewis, C Sheridan, M O'Farrell, D King… - Sensors and Actuators A …, 2007 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) coupled with principal
components analysis (PCA) to interpret complex optical spectrum and time resolved signals …

Classification of pre-sliced pork and Turkey ham qualities based on image colour and textural features and their relationships with consumer responses

A Iqbal, NA Valous, F Mendoza, DW Sun, P Allen - Meat Science, 2010 - Elsevier
Images of three qualities of pre-sliced pork and Turkey hams were evaluated for colour and
textural features to characterize and classify them, and to model the ham appearance …

Improving learning accuracy of fuzzy decision trees by hybrid neural networks

ECC Tsang, XZ Wang, DS Yeung - IEEE transactions on Fuzzy …, 2000 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Although the induction of fuzzy decision tree (FDT) has been a very popular learning
methodology due to its advantage of comprehensibility, it is often criticized to result in poor …

Analysis and classification of commercial ham slice images using directional fractal dimension features

F Mendoza, NA Valous, P Allen, TA Kenny, P Ward… - Meat Science, 2009 - Elsevier
This paper presents a novel and non-destructive approach to the appearance
characterization and classification of commercial pork, turkey and chicken ham slices. Ham …

Combining principal component analysis with an artificial neural network to perform online quality assessment of food as it cooks in a large-scale industrial oven

M O'farrell, E Lewis, C Flanagan, WB Lyons… - Sensors and Actuators B …, 2005 - Elsevier
A sensor system utilising optical fibre sensing techniques is reported, which has been
applied to the food industry in order to control the cooking process in a large-scale industrial …

Neuro-fuzzy decision trees

RB Bhatt, M Gopal - International Journal of Neural Systems, 2006 - World Scientific
Fuzzy decision trees are powerful, top-down, hierarchical search methodology to extract
human interpretable classification rules. However, they are often criticized to result in poor …

Bloom time effect depends on muscle type and may determine the results of pH and color instrumental evaluation

D Knecht, K Duziński, A Jankowska-Mąkosa - Animals, 2021 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary The color of fresh pork is a very important feature, both for the meat
industry and especially for direct consumers. Consumers often relate color to the freshness …

Characteristics of pork muscles cooked to varying end-point temperatures

RN Cauble, JJ Ball, VE Zorn, TM Reyes, MP Wagoner… - Foods, 2021 - mdpi.com
M. biceps femoris (BF), m. semimembranosus (SM) and m. semitendinosus (ST) from fresh
pork ham were evaluated for characteristics of quality after cooking to an internal endpoint …