Statistical model choice
G Claeskens - Annual review of statistics and its application, 2016 - annualreviews.org
Variable selection methods and model selection approaches are valuable statistical tools
that are indispensable for almost any statistical modeling question. This review first …
that are indispensable for almost any statistical modeling question. This review first …
Parametric or nonparametric: The FIC approach
Should one rely on a parametric or nonparametric model when analysing a given data set?
This classic question cannot be answered by traditional model selection criteria like AIC and …
This classic question cannot be answered by traditional model selection criteria like AIC and …
Focussed model selection in quantile regression
P Behl, G Claeskens, H Dette - Statistica Sinica, 2014 - JSTOR
We consider the problem of model selection for quantile regression analysis when a
particular purpose of the modeling procedure has to be taken into account. Typical …
particular purpose of the modeling procedure has to be taken into account. Typical …
[PDF][PDF] The risk that risk will change
RF Engle - Journal of investment management, 2009 - joim.com
Standard approaches to risk management focus on short-run risks, yet many positions are
held for longer periods. Over such holding periods there is a risk that risks will change. In …
held for longer periods. Over such holding periods there is a risk that risks will change. In …
Predictive, finite-sample model choice for time series under stationarity and non-stationarity
T Kley, P Preuß, P Fryzlewicz - 2019 - projecteuclid.org
In statistical research there usually exists a choice between structurally simpler or more
complex models. We argue that, even if a more complex, locally stationary time series model …
complex models. We argue that, even if a more complex, locally stationary time series model …
Focused model selection for linear mixed models with an application to whale ecology
A central point of disagreement, in certain long-standing discussions about a particular
whaling dataset in the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission, has …
whaling dataset in the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission, has …
Automated variable selection in vector multiplicative error models
Multiplicative Error Models (MEM) can be used to trace the dynamics of non-negative valued
processes. Interactions between several such processes are accommodated by the vector …
processes. Interactions between several such processes are accommodated by the vector …
Shrinkage estimation of semiparametric multiplicative error models
Within models for nonnegative time series, it is common to encounter deterministic
components (trends, seasonalities) which can be specified in a flexible form. This work …
components (trends, seasonalities) which can be specified in a flexible form. This work …
Order selection in ARMA models using the focused information criterion
N Rohan, TV Ramanathan - Australian & New Zealand Journal …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
This paper develops a new approach for order selection in autoregressive moving average
models using the focused information criterion. This criterion minimizes the asymptotic mean …
models using the focused information criterion. This criterion minimizes the asymptotic mean …
Focused estimation and model averaging with penalization methods: an overview
G Claeskens - Statistica Neerlandica, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
The quest for a good estimator of a certain focus or target is present regardless of the
dimensionality of the data. Obtaining such a good estimator with low mean squared error …
dimensionality of the data. Obtaining such a good estimator with low mean squared error …