Fluctuating asymmetry: methods, theory, and applications
Fluctuating asymmetry consists of random deviations from perfect symmetry in populations
of organisms. It is a measure of developmental noise, which reflects a population's average …
of organisms. It is a measure of developmental noise, which reflects a population's average …
Fluctuating asymmetry as an indicator of fitness: can we bridge the gap between studies?
There is growing evidence from both experimental and non-experimental studies that
fluctuating asymmetry does not consistently index stress or fitness. The widely held–yet …
fluctuating asymmetry does not consistently index stress or fitness. The widely held–yet …
[KNJIGA][B] Fundamentals of ecotoxicology
MC Newman - 2009 - taylorfrancis.com
Each year ecotoxicological problems become increasingly complex and encompass
broader spatial and temporal scales. Our practical understanding must evolve accordingly to …
broader spatial and temporal scales. Our practical understanding must evolve accordingly to …
[KNJIGA][B] Asymmetry, developmental stability and evolution
AP Møller, JP Swaddle - 1997 - books.google.com
Why does nature love symmetry? In Asymmetry, Developmental Stability and Evolution, M--
oslash--; ller and Swaddle analyse the evolutionary implications of symmetry. They advance …
oslash--; ller and Swaddle analyse the evolutionary implications of symmetry. They advance …
The use of fluctuating asymmetry as a measure of environmentally induced developmental instability: A meta-analysis
Random and subtle deviations from bilateral symmetry (fluctuating asymmetry) have long
been of interest to biologists who wish to study the susceptibility of organisms to changes in …
been of interest to biologists who wish to study the susceptibility of organisms to changes in …
Waltzing with asymmetry
AR Palmer - BioScience, 1996 - JSTOR
Aristotle's attention, or Darwin's for that matter. Aristotle noted regular patterns of bilateral
asymmetries in animals:" In the Caribi and in the Carcini [true crabs] the right claw is …
asymmetries in animals:" In the Caribi and in the Carcini [true crabs] the right claw is …
Antisymmetry, directional asymmetry, and dynamic morphogenesis
Fluctuating asymmetry is the most commonly used measure of developmental instability.
Some authors have claimed that antisymmetry and directional asymmetry may have a …
Some authors have claimed that antisymmetry and directional asymmetry may have a …
[KNJIGA][B] Evolutionary conservation biology
As anthropogenic environmental changes spread and intensify across the planet,
conservation biologists have to analyze dynamics at large spatial and temporal scales …
conservation biologists have to analyze dynamics at large spatial and temporal scales …
Directional asymmetry and the measurement of developmental instability
Three widely used methods of estimating fluctuating asymmetry may yield serious
overestimates if directional asymmetry is present. When two sides of a bilateral trait grow at …
overestimates if directional asymmetry is present. When two sides of a bilateral trait grow at …
[HTML][HTML] Effect of providing light during incubation on the health, productivity, and behavior of broiler chickens
Environmental stimuli present during incubation can affect the behavior and health of birds
posthatch. Commercial broiler chickens are often incubated in complete darkness, receiving …
posthatch. Commercial broiler chickens are often incubated in complete darkness, receiving …