[HTML][HTML] “We were thinking too much like adults”: Examining the development of teachers' critical and collaborative reflection in lesson study discussions

K Kager, A Jurczok, S Bolli, M Vock - Teaching and Teacher Education, 2022‏ - Elsevier
This mixed-method study addresses the need for a clear conceptualization of the
professional reflection element of Lesson Study (LS), a popular collaborative approach to …

[PDF][PDF] Gengobot: A chatbot-based grammar application on mobile instant messaging as language learning medium

N Haristiani, AA Danuwijaya… - Journal of Engineering …, 2019‏ - jestec.taylors.edu.my
The omnipresence of social media is crucial in the educational environment and has an
important role in sha** the ways students learn, and thus, worth to be investigated. Social …

Digital technologies, online learning and lesson study

R Huang, N Helgevold, J Lang - International Journal for Lesson & …, 2021‏ - emerald.com
Purpose Finding ways in which technology can be used to modify, strengthen, scale up and
sustain lesson study (LS) is an emerging field of research. It has become even more …

Develo** Digital Natural Laboratory Based on Edutourism for Environmental Geography.

S Sumarmi, AK Putra, A Tanjung - TEM Journal, 2023‏ - ceeol.com
This study aimed to develop products and test the utility of the natural laboratory based on
eco-spatial edutourism. This research was developed in three stages: 1) product …

Effectiveness of Self-Regulated Learning Skills on Web-Based Instruction Attitudes in Online Environments.

H Özdal, C Özden, R Atasoy, A Güneyli - Pegem Journal of Education and …, 2022‏ - ERIC
In this study, pre-service teachers' self-regulated learning skills in online environments were
taken into consideration. Preservice teachers could not receive any support with respect to …

[PDF][PDF] Assessment of student competence using electronic rubric

A Ana, C Yulia, Y Jubaedah… - Journal of …, 2020‏ - jestec.taylors.edu.my
This study was concerned use electronic rubrics in for students competence assessments.
Fourth industrial revolution have brought with it a lot of changes on how the world operate …

[PDF][PDF] Analysis Of Students' Self Efficacy Reviewed By Geometric Thinking Levels And Gender Using Rasch ModeL

GT Levels - Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2019‏ - jestec.taylors.edu.my
Self-efficacy, geometric thinking levels and gender are important. The Rasch model is an
Item-Response Theory (IRT) that provides alternative measurements to assess the quality of …

SPADA: Online learning between universities of PGRI Indonesia

MN Hudha, UA Chaeruman, SD Aji… - MATEC Web of …, 2018‏ - matec-conferences.org
The blended learning model is a learning that uses online facilities combined with face-to-
face learning (synchronous learning-asynchronous learning). The purpose of this research …

[PDF][PDF] The development of interactive case-based smart thinking and industrial problem-solving stimulator to enhance TVET students' thinking skills

N Azid, R Rawian, S Shaik-Abdullah… - Journal of Engineering …, 2019‏ - jestec.taylors.edu.my
Abstract Thinking skills have a pivotal role in the new global economy and should be a part
of the Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) curriculum. The current curriculum …

[PDF][PDF] Career guidance web-based expert system for vocational students

G Supriyanto, AG Abdullah, I Widiaty… - J. Eng. Sci …, 2019‏ - jestec.taylors.edu.my
This study aims to develop a web-based student career guidance expert system namely
ESGuiscar-web as a career guidance service for students of vocational high schools. Both …