Crop nitrogen monitoring: Recent progress and principal developments in the context of imaging spectroscopy missions
Nitrogen (N) is considered as one of the most important plant macronutrients and proper
management of N therefore is a pre-requisite for modern agriculture. Continuous satellite …
management of N therefore is a pre-requisite for modern agriculture. Continuous satellite …
PROSPECT+ SAIL models: A review of use for vegetation characterization
The combined PROSPECT leaf optical properties model and SAIL canopy bidirectional
reflectance model, also referred to as PROSAIL, has been used for about sixteen years to …
reflectance model, also referred to as PROSAIL, has been used for about sixteen years to …
PROSPECT-PRO for estimating content of nitrogen-containing leaf proteins and other carbon-based constituents
Abstract Models of radiative transfer (RT) are important tools for remote sensing of
vegetation, allowing for forward simulations of remotely sensed data as well as inverse …
vegetation, allowing for forward simulations of remotely sensed data as well as inverse …
Foliar functional traits from imaging spectroscopy across biomes in eastern North America
Foliar functional traits are widely used to characterize leaf and canopy properties that drive
ecosystem processes and to infer physiological processes in Earth system models. Imaging …
ecosystem processes and to infer physiological processes in Earth system models. Imaging …
[HTML][HTML] Retrieval of aboveground crop nitrogen content with a hybrid machine learning method
Hyperspectral acquisitions have proven to be the most informative Earth observation data
source for the estimation of nitrogen (N) content, which is the main limiting nutrient for plant …
source for the estimation of nitrogen (N) content, which is the main limiting nutrient for plant …
Advances in hyperspectral remote sensing of vegetation and agricultural crops
Hyperspectral data (Table 1) is acquired as continuous narrowbands (eg, each band with 1
to 10 nanometer or nm bandwidths) over a range of electromagnetic spectrum (eg, 400 …
to 10 nanometer or nm bandwidths) over a range of electromagnetic spectrum (eg, 400 …
Hyperspectral remote sensing of foliar nitrogen content
A strong positive correlation between vegetation canopy bidirectional reflectance factor
(BRF) in the near infrared (NIR) spectral region and foliar mass-based nitrogen …
(BRF) in the near infrared (NIR) spectral region and foliar mass-based nitrogen …
Biophysical and biochemical sources of variability in canopy reflectance
GP Asner - Remote sensing of Environment, 1998 - Elsevier
Analyses of various biophysical and biochemical factors affecting plant canopy reflectance
have been carried out over the past few decades, yet the relative importance of these factors …
have been carried out over the past few decades, yet the relative importance of these factors …
PROSPECT-4 and 5: Advances in the leaf optical properties model separating photosynthetic pigments
The PROSPECT leaf optical model has, to date, combined the effects of photosynthetic
pigments, but a finer discrimination among the key pigments is important for physiological …
pigments, but a finer discrimination among the key pigments is important for physiological …
Spectroscopic determination of leaf biochemistry using band-depth analysis of absorption features and stepwise multiple linear regression
We develop a new method for estimating the biochemistry of plant material using
spectroscopy. Normalized band depths calculated from the continuum-removed reflectance …
spectroscopy. Normalized band depths calculated from the continuum-removed reflectance …