Species composition and structure of degraded mangrove vegetation in the Air Telang Protected Forest, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Eddy S, Ridho MR, Iskandar I, Mulyana A. 2019. Species composition and structure of
degraded mangrove vegetation in the Air Telang Protected Forest, South Sumatra …
degraded mangrove vegetation in the Air Telang Protected Forest, South Sumatra …
[HTML][HTML] Integrated production of bioethanol and biomethane from rice waste using superior amylolytic recombinant yeast
This study utilized a circular economy approach to convert unripe rice, a low-cost by-product
of the rice milling industry, into biofuels using a biorefinery process. The recombinant yeast …
of the rice milling industry, into biofuels using a biorefinery process. The recombinant yeast …
[HTML][HTML] Is the Sundarbans of Bangladesh in a State of Pollution?
The Sundarbans is the world's most extensive natural mangrove forest and home to various
natural resources. The population in the vicinity has increased, causing more dependency …
natural resources. The population in the vicinity has increased, causing more dependency …
Interactions between mangrove soil, water, and microbes in degraded, natural, and restored tropical coastline ecosystems
The interactions among soil, water, and microbes are unique and fundamental in mangrove
forests. We examined and compared the physicochemical parameters of soil (pH, Organic …
forests. We examined and compared the physicochemical parameters of soil (pH, Organic …
[HTML][HTML] Development of mangrove sediment quality index in matang mangrove forest reserve, malaysia: A synergetic approach
Sediment is an important part of heavy metal cycling in the coastal ecosystem, acting as a
potential sink and source of inorganic and organic contaminants as environmental …
potential sink and source of inorganic and organic contaminants as environmental …
[PDF][PDF] Macrofaunal diversity on the surface sediment of mangrove habitat adjacent to the seagrass beds at Punang-Sari River estuary (Malaysian Borneo), South …
UMT Penerbit - Journal of Sustainability Science and …, 2023 - jssm.umt.edu.my
Macrofaunal diversity and composition are essential to understanding the ecosystem
structures and functions of mangroves in any dynamic estuarine coast. To understand the …
structures and functions of mangroves in any dynamic estuarine coast. To understand the …
Habitat Ecology, Structure Influence Diversity, and Host-Species Associations of Wild Orchids in Undisturbed and Disturbed Forests in Peninsular Malaysia
As an attempt to examine the causes of forest disturbance and degradation of the orchid
community, a comparative study on diversity and ecology in eight undisturbed and ten …
community, a comparative study on diversity and ecology in eight undisturbed and ten …
Biodiversity Study of Mangrove Forest in Lawas Sarawak
Mangroves are one of the most abundant biological diversity with a valuable ecosystem.
They are found on sheltered shores and in estuaries in tropical and subtropical regions …
They are found on sheltered shores and in estuaries in tropical and subtropical regions …
Elaboración de un modelo neuronal artificial para la estimación de la demanda bioquímica de oxígeno en aguas marinas
RM Castellar, LG Salcedo - RIAA, 2020 - dialnet.unirioja.es
Metodología: para elaborar el modelo fue necesario realizar cinco simulaciones
(constituidas por un número de 2 a 3 capas ocultas, y de 5 a 20 neuronas por capa). El …
(constituidas por un número de 2 a 3 capas ocultas, y de 5 a 20 neuronas por capa). El …
[PDF][PDF] Study of the impact of heavy metal (Cd, Pb and Hg) contamination in Wedung waters, Demak on Anadara granosa (Linnaeus, 1758)
Abstract Wedung Waters, Demak in Central Java Indonesia is a potential location for
harvesting Blood Cockles, Anadara granosa. Anthropogenic activities such as agriculture …
harvesting Blood Cockles, Anadara granosa. Anthropogenic activities such as agriculture …