Recent developments in trap** and manipulation of atoms with adiabatic potentials

BM Garraway, H Perrin - Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular …, 2016 -
A combination of static and oscillating magnetic fields can be used to'dress' atoms with radio-
frequency (RF), or microwave, radiation. The spatial variation of these fields can be used to …

[HTML][HTML] Micro-fabricated components for cold atom sensors

JP McGilligan, K Gallacher, PF Griffin… - Review of Scientific …, 2022 -
Laser cooled atoms have proven transformative for precision metrology, playing a pivotal
role in state-of-the-art clocks and interferometers and having the potential to provide a step …

Integrated mach–zehnder interferometer for bose–einstein condensates

T Berrada, S Van Frank, R Bücker, T Schumm… - Nature …, 2013 -
Particle-wave duality enables the construction of interferometers for matter waves, which
complement optical interferometers in precision measurement devices. This requires the …

A surface-patterned chip as a strong source of ultracold atoms for quantum technologies

CC Nshii, M Vangeleyn, JP Cotter, PF Griffin… - Nature …, 2013 -
Laser-cooled atoms are central to modern precision measurements,,,,,. They are also
increasingly important as an enabling technology for experimental cavity quantum …

Fifteen years of cold matter on the atom chip: promise, realizations, and prospects

M Keil, O Amit, S Zhou, D Groswasser… - Journal of modern …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Here we review the field of atom chips in the context of Bose–Einstein Condensates (BEC)
as well as cold matter in general. Twenty years after the first realization of the BEC and 15 …

Probing dark energy with atom interferometry

C Burrage, EJ Copeland, EA Hinds - Journal of Cosmology and …, 2015 -
Theories of dark energy require a screening mechanism to explain why the associated
scalar fields do not mediate observable long range fifth forces. The archetype of this is the …

Two mode theory of Bose–Einstein condensates: interferometry and the Josephson model

BJ Dalton, S Ghanbari - Journal of Modern Optics, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
This topical review provides an overview of the key theoretical features of Bose–Einstein
condensates (BECs) in cold atomic gases at near zero temperature in the situation where all …

Enhanced atom interferometer readout through the application of phase shear

A Sugarbaker, SM Dickerson, JM Hogan… - Physical review …, 2013 - APS
We present a method for determining the phase and contrast of a single shot of an atom
interferometer. The application of a phase shear across the atom ensemble yields a spatially …

Dynamics of a tunable superfluid junction

LJ LeBlanc, AB Bardon, J McKeever, MHT Extavour… - Physical review …, 2011 - APS
We study the population dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential
throughout the crossover from Josephson dynamics to hydrodynamics. At barriers higher …

Single-layer atom chip for continuous operation: Design, fabrication and performance

AE Afanasiev, AS Kalmykov, RV Kirtaev… - Optics & Laser …, 2022 - Elsevier
A single-layer atom chip for laser cooling and trap** of atoms which operates in a
continuous regime is designed and experimentally investigated. The continuous regime was …