Recent developments in dynamic advertising research

J Huang, M Leng, L Liang - European Journal of Operational Research, 2012 - Elsevier
A variety of continuous-time differential functions have been developed to investigate
dynamic advertising problems in business and economics fields. Since major dynamic …

[KÖNYV][B] What is optimal control theory?

SP Sethi, SP Sethi - 2021 - Springer
Optimal control theory is a branch of mathematics developed to find optimal ways to control
a dynamic system. Thus the theory applies to many management science and economics …

Moment-to-moment optimal branding in TV commercials: Preventing avoidance by pulsing

TS Teixeira, M Wedel, R Pieters - Marketing Science, 2010 -
We develop a conceptual framework about the impact that branding activity (the audiovisual
representation of brands) and consumers' focused versus dispersed attention have on …

Online display advertising: Modeling the effects of multiple creatives and individual impression histories

M Braun, WW Moe - Marketing science, 2013 -
Online advertising campaigns often consist of multiple ads, each with different creative
content. We consider how various creatives in a campaign differentially affect behavior given …

Dynamic budget allocation for social media advertising campaigns: optimization and learning

Y Luzon, R Pinchover, E Khmelnitsky - European Journal of Operational …, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper suggests a method for optimizing a dynamic budget allocation policy for an
advertising campaign posted through a social network (eg, Facebook, Instagram). The …

Effect of temporal spacing between advertising exposures: Evidence from online field experiments

NS Sahni - Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2015 - Springer
This paper aims to understand the impact of temporal spacing between ad exposures on the
likelihood of a consumer purchasing the advertised product. I create an individual-level data …

The shape of advertising response functions revisited: A model of dynamic probabilistic thresholds

D Vakratsas, FM Feinberg, FM Bass… - Marketing …, 2004 -
Prior work in marketing has suggested that advertising threshold effects—levels beneath
which there is essentially no sales response—are rarely encountered in practice. Because …

Measuring dynamic efficiency: Theories and an integrated methodology

CM Chen, J van Dalen - European journal of operational research, 2010 - Elsevier
Almost all dynamic production systems are subject to lagged productive effects, which are
an often-ignored latent source of interference in the efficiency measuring process. Existing …

The effect of media advertising on brand consideration and choice

N Terui, M Ban, GM Allenby - Marketing science, 2011 -
The nature of the effect of media advertising on brand choice is investigated in two product
categories in analyses that combine household scanner panel data with media exposure …

Inventory management under market size dynamics

TL Olsen, RP Parker - Management Science, 2008 -
We investigate the situation where a customer experiencing an inventory stockout at a
retailer potentially leaves the firm's market. In classical inventory theory, a unit stockout …