Single-pixel digital ghost holography

P Clemente, V Durán, E Tajahuerce… - Physical Review A …, 2012 - APS
Since its discovery, the “ghost” diffraction phenomenon has emerged as an unconventional
technique for optical imaging with very promising advantages. However, extracting the …

Quantum information in communication and imaging

DS Simon, G Jaeger, AV Sergienko - International Journal of …, 2014 - World Scientific
A brief introduction to quantum information theory in the context of quantum optics is
presented. After presenting the fundamental theoretical basis of the subject, experimental …

Computational holographic ghost diffraction

Z Ye, W Hou, J Zhao, HB Wang, J **ong - Optics Letters, 2023 -
Since the paradigm shift in 2009 from pseudo-thermal ghost imaging (GI) to computational
GI using a spatial light modulator, computational GI has enabled image formation via a …

Experimental demonstration of ghost imaging with an electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beam

X Liu, F Wang, M Zhang, Y Cai - Journal of the Optical Society of …, 2015 -
Recently, there has been a controversy about the dependence of the visibility of the ghost
image on the degree of polarization (DOP) of a stochastic electromagnetic beam because of …

Imaging through an aberrating medium with<? A3B2 show [pmg: line-break justify=" yes"/]?> classical ghost diffraction

T Shirai, H Kellock, T Setälä… - Journal of the Optical …, 2012 -
We describe a method for image transmission through an aberrating medium by means of a
modified configuration for conventional ghost diffraction with classical incoherent beams. On …

Experimental cancellation of aberrations in intensity correlation in classical optics

AJ Jesus-Silva, JG Silva, CH Monken, EJS Fonseca - Physical Review A, 2018 - APS
We study the classical correlation function of spatially incoherent beams with a phase
aberration in the beam path. On the basis of our experimental measurements and in the …

Ghost imaging and related topics

DS Simon, G Jaeger, AV Sergienko, DS Simon… - … Metrology, Imaging, and …, 2017 - Springer
Ghost imaging, also known as two-photon or correlated-photon imaging, was first
demonstrated in the 1990s and quickly gained widespread attention due to the fact that it …

Experimental observation of aberration cancellation in entangled two-photon beams

LAP Filpi, MV da Cunha Pereira, CH Monken - Optics express, 2015 -
Experimental observation of aberration cancellation in entangled two-photon beams clickable
element to expand a topic LOGIN OR CREATE ACCOUNT PRISM SUBMISSION This website …

Visible ghost imaging with nonvisible light

D Duan, L Zhang, Y **a - Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2014 -
In this paper, we present a new scheme of thermal ghost imaging: visible ghost imaging with
nonvisible light, which can overcome the disadvantages of conventional thermal imaging …

Evolution process from ghost diffraction to ghost imaging in a lensless imaging system

Y Bai, H Gao, T Liu, T Qiu, H Zhou - Applied optics, 2011 -
Ghost diffraction and ghost imaging are investigated in a lensless imaging system. The
evolution process from ghost diffraction to ghost imaging is discussed when the object is …