Quantum trajectories and open many-body quantum systems

AJ Daley - Advances in Physics, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
The study of open quantum systems–microscopic systems exhibiting quantum coherence
that are coupled to their environment–has become increasingly important in the past years …

Dissipative preparation of entanglement in optical cavities

MJ Kastoryano, F Reiter, AS Sørensen - Physical review letters, 2011 - APS
We propose a novel scheme for the preparation of a maximally entangled state of two atoms
in an optical cavity. Starting from an arbitrary initial state, a singlet state is prepared as the …

Autonomous quantum thermal machine for generating steady-state entanglement

JB Brask, G Haack, N Brunner… - New Journal of Physics, 2015 - iopscience.iop.org
We discuss a simple quantum thermal machine for the generation of steady-state
entanglement between two interacting qubits. The machine is autonomous in the sense that …

Engineered dissipation induced entanglement transition in quantum spin chains: From logarithmic growth to area law

T Botzung, S Diehl, M Müller - Physical Review B, 2021 - APS
Recent theoretical work has shown that the competition between coherent unitary dynamics
and stochastic measurements, performed by the environment, along wave function …

Scalable dissipative preparation of many-body entanglement

F Reiter, D Reeb, AS Sørensen - Physical review letters, 2016 - APS
We present a technique for the dissipative preparation of highly entangled multiparticle
states of atoms coupled to common oscillator modes. By combining local spontaneous …

Dissipatively driven entanglement of two macroscopic atomic ensembles

CA Muschik, ES Polzik, JI Cirac - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and …, 2011 - APS
Up to now, the lifetime of experimentally demonstrated entangled states has been limited
due to their fragility under decoherence and dissipation. Therefore, they are created under …

Resource-efficient dissipative entanglement of two trapped-ion qubits

DC Cole, SD Erickson, G Zarantonello, KP Horn… - Physical Review Letters, 2022 - APS
We demonstrate a simplified method for dissipative generation of an entangled state of two
trapped-ion qubits. Our implementation produces its target state faster and with higher …

Steady-state entanglement of two superconducting qubits engineered by dissipation

F Reiter, L Tornberg, G Johansson, AS Sørensen - Physical Review A—Atomic …, 2013 - APS
We present a scheme for the dissipative preparation of an entangled steady state of two
superconducting qubits in a circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED) setup. Combining …

Driving two atoms in an optical cavity into an entangled steady state using engineered decay

F Reiter, MJ Kastoryano, AS Sørensen - New Journal of Physics, 2012 - iopscience.iop.org
We propose various schemes for the dissipative preparation of a maximally entangled
steady state of two atoms in an optical cavity. Harnessing the natural decay processes of …

Open quantum walks on graphs

S Attal, F Petruccione, I Sinayskiy - Physics Letters A, 2012 - Elsevier
Open quantum walks (OQW) are formulated as quantum Markov chains on graphs. It is
shown that OQWs are a very useful tool for the formulation of dissipative quantum computing …