Communities at the nexus of entrepreneurship and societal impact: A cross-disciplinary literature review
Although there is wide recognition of the importance of entrepreneurship for generating
societal impact, entrepreneurial activities alone rarely achieve a positive impact without the …
societal impact, entrepreneurial activities alone rarely achieve a positive impact without the …
Research on small and medium-sized towns: Framing a new field of inquiry
In recent years, research and publication activity in the field of small and medium-sized cities
(SMSCs) in an international context has been increasing. However, a survey of extant …
(SMSCs) in an international context has been increasing. However, a survey of extant …
The evolution of China's rural depopulation pattern and its influencing factors from 2000 to 2020
Rural depopulation is rapidly becoming a worldwide phenomenon, affecting both developed
and develo** countries, such as China, alike. China's rural population has been on an …
and develo** countries, such as China, alike. China's rural population has been on an …
[HTML][HTML] Benchmarking the vitality of shrinking rural regions in Finland
Depopulation, commonly labelled as shrinkage, of rural areas can lead to a self-reinforcing
vicious cycle of decreased regional vitality. However, some regions have been able to adapt …
vicious cycle of decreased regional vitality. However, some regions have been able to adapt …
Linking rural settlements optimization with village development stages: A life cycle perspective
Y Li, J He, Q Yue, X Kong, M Zhang - Habitat International, 2022 - Elsevier
Rural decline characterized by population loss, aging, and land abandonment, has become
a dilemma for sustainable development. The spatial optimization of rural settlements is …
a dilemma for sustainable development. The spatial optimization of rural settlements is …
A demographic lifeline? Immigration and Hispanic population growth in rural America
Can immigration save rural and small town America? Our goal is to highlight the new racial
dynamics of population change in nonmetropolitan areas, where slowing population growth …
dynamics of population change in nonmetropolitan areas, where slowing population growth …
[HTML][HTML] Inclusive smart cities? Technology-driven urban development and disabilities
The concept of smart cities refers to urban areas that utilize (digital) technologies to enhance
urban operations, services, and the quality of life of their residents. However, people have …
urban operations, services, and the quality of life of their residents. However, people have …
Building a “reservoir of social resilience:” A strategy for social infrastructure regeneration in shrinking cities based on social network analysis
Northeast China is generally experiencing a shrinkage phenomenon similar to that in other
old industrial regions worldwide. Large-scale growth-oriented regeneration programs by the …
old industrial regions worldwide. Large-scale growth-oriented regeneration programs by the …
A bibliometric evaluation and critical review of the smart city concept–making a case for social equity
Purpose This study aims to promote the idea that social equity is a significant objective that
needs to be achieved to attain a smart city and further reveal the current research focus of …
needs to be achieved to attain a smart city and further reveal the current research focus of …
Understanding patterns and multilevel influencing factors of small town shrinkage in Northeast China
The phenomenon of urban shrinkage occurs not only in large and medium cities, but also in
small towns. Small town shrinkage comprises the core element of China's urban shrinkage …
small towns. Small town shrinkage comprises the core element of China's urban shrinkage …