Anomalous Josephson effect
YM Shukrinov - Physics-Uspekhi, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
This review is devoted to one of the most relevant areas of modern condensed matter
physics, the anomalous Josephson effect (AJE), which consists of the appearance of a …
physics, the anomalous Josephson effect (AJE), which consists of the appearance of a …
Cryogenic memory element based on an anomalous Josephson junction
We propose a nonvolatile memory element based on a lateral ferromagnetic Josephson
junction with spin-orbit coupling and out-of-plane magnetization. The interplay between the …
junction with spin-orbit coupling and out-of-plane magnetization. The interplay between the …
Hysteresis and chaos in anomalous Josephson junctions without capacitance
Overdamped Josephson junctions usually do not exhibit chaotic behavior in their phase
dynamics, either because the phase-space dimension is less than 3 (as in the case of a …
dynamics, either because the phase-space dimension is less than 3 (as in the case of a …
[HTML][HTML] Switching current distributions in ferromagnetic anomalous Josephson junctions
We investigate the switching current distributions of ferromagnetic anomalous Josephson
junctions subjected to a linearly increasing bias current. Our study uncovers a significant …
junctions subjected to a linearly increasing bias current. Our study uncovers a significant …
Analytical Criteria for Magnetization Reversal in a Josephson Junction
The switching of magnetization by electric current pulse in the φ 0 Josephson junction
formed by ordinary superconductors and a magnetic noncentrosymmetric interlayer is …
formed by ordinary superconductors and a magnetic noncentrosymmetric interlayer is …
Thermal noise effects on the magnetization switching of a ferromagnetic anomalous Josephson junction
We discuss the effects of thermal noise on the magnetic response of a lateral ferromagnetic
Josephson junction with spin-orbit coupling and out-of-plane magnetization. The direction of …
Josephson junction with spin-orbit coupling and out-of-plane magnetization. The direction of …
Periodicity in the Appearance of Intervals of the Reversal of the Magnetic Moment of a ϕ0 Josephson Junction
PK Atanasova, SA Panayotova, IR Rahmonov… - Jetp Letters, 2019 - Springer
The dynamics of the magnetization under the action of a current pulse in a ϕ 0 Josephson
junction with the direct coupling between the magnetic moment and a superconducting …
junction with the direct coupling between the magnetic moment and a superconducting …
Observation of long-range ferromagnetism via anomalous supercurrents in a spin-orbit coupled superconductor
BK **ang, YS Lin, QS He, JJ Zhu, BR Chen… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2023 - arxiv.org
Conventional superconductors naturally disfavor ferromagnetism because the supercurrent-
carrying electrons are paired into anti-parallel spin singlets. In superconductors with strong …
carrying electrons are paired into anti-parallel spin singlets. In superconductors with strong …
JINR-UNISA Results of Collaboration on Theoretical Study of Josephson Nanostructures
An overview of the results obtained within the framework of the JINR-UNISA collaboration in
the field of theoretical study of of Josephson nanostructures is presented. In particular, our …
the field of theoretical study of of Josephson nanostructures is presented. In particular, our …
Периодичность в возникновении интервалов переворота магнитного момента перехода
ПX Атанасова, СА Панайотова… - Письма в Журнал …, 2019 - mathnet.ru
Нами исследована динамика намагниченности под действием импульса тока в
джозефсоновском ϕ0 переходе с прямой связью между магнитным моментом и …
джозефсоновском ϕ0 переходе с прямой связью между магнитным моментом и …