[HTML][HTML] Electrodialysis applications in wastewater treatment for environmental protection and resources recovery: A systematic review on progress and perspectives
This paper presents a comprehensive review of studies on electrodialysis (ED) applications
in wastewater treatment, outlining the current status and the future prospect. ED is a …
in wastewater treatment, outlining the current status and the future prospect. ED is a …
Electrodialysis for water desalination: A critical assessment of recent developments on process fundamentals, models and applications
The need for unconventional sources of fresh water is pushing a fast development of
desalination technologies, which proved to be able to face and solve the problem of water …
desalination technologies, which proved to be able to face and solve the problem of water …
Desalination at overlimiting currents: State-of-the-art and perspectives
For about 60 years, it is known that “limiting current” density does not really limit the current
density in electrodialysis (ED). The use of intensive currents allows one to decrease the area …
density in electrodialysis (ED). The use of intensive currents allows one to decrease the area …
Transport phenomena in nanofluidics
The transport of fluid in and around nanometer-sized objects with at least one characteristic
dimension below 100 nm enables the occurrence of phenomena that are impossible at …
dimension below 100 nm enables the occurrence of phenomena that are impossible at …
Electro-osmotically induced convection at a permselective membrane
The paper is concerned with convection at an ion exchange electrodialysis membrane
induced by nonequilibrium electro-osmosis in the course of concentration polarization under …
induced by nonequilibrium electro-osmosis in the course of concentration polarization under …
Intensive current transfer in membrane systems: Modelling, mechanisms and application in electrodialysis
VV Nikonenko, ND Pismenskaya, EI Belova… - Advances in colloid and …, 2010 - Elsevier
Usually in electrochemical systems, the direct current densities not exceeding the limiting
current density are applied. However, the recent practice of electrodialysis evidences the …
current density are applied. However, the recent practice of electrodialysis evidences the …
Monovalent-ion-selective membranes for reverse electrodialysis
Reverse electrodialysis (RED) is a process that can be used to generate energy from salinity
gradients. Since its application in practice requires the use of natural seawater and river …
gradients. Since its application in practice requires the use of natural seawater and river …
Electro-osmotic slip and electroconvective instability
Electric conduction from an electrolyte solution into a charge selective solid, such as ion
exchange membrane or electrode, becomes unstable when the electrolyte concentration …
exchange membrane or electrode, becomes unstable when the electrolyte concentration …
Effect of electroconvection and its use in intensifying the mass transfer in electrodialysis
VV Nikonenko, SA Mareev, ND Pis' Menskaya… - Russian Journal of …, 2017 - Springer
The modern concepts on the origin of electroconvection (EC) are surveyed briefly and the
known mechanisms of this phenomenon are classified. Factors that influence the EC …
known mechanisms of this phenomenon are classified. Factors that influence the EC …
Electroconvection near electrochemical interfaces: Experiments, modeling, and computation
A Mani, KM Wang - Annual review of fluid mechanics, 2020 - annualreviews.org
Many electrochemical and microfluidic systems involve voltage-driven transport of ions from
a fluid electrolyte toward an ion-selective interface. These systems are governed by intimate …
a fluid electrolyte toward an ion-selective interface. These systems are governed by intimate …