System for assembling computers to provide a favorable import classification

J Love - US Patent 7,420,815, 2008‏ - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A computer Subassembly aspect is disclosed comprising a case defining
an interior, a primary circuitboard located in the interior of the case, and a BIOS chip socket …

Programmable heterogeneous memory controllers for main memory with different memory modules

KA Okin, G Moussa, K Ganapathy… - US Patent …, 2011‏ - Google Patents
In some implementations, a programmable memory con troller is provided to control access
to different types of memory modules in a main memory. Non-volatile memory modules and …

Asymmetric memory migration in hybrid main memory

V Karamcheti, KA Okin, K Ganapathy, A Singhai… - US Patent …, 2010‏ - Google Patents
Main memory is managed by receiving a command from an application to read data
associated with a virtual address that is mapped to the main memory. A memory controller …

Systems and apparatus with programmable memory control for heterogeneous main memory

KA Okin, G Moussa, K Ganapathy… - US Patent …, 2011‏ - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A computer system is disclosed including a printed circuit board (PCB)
including a plurality of traces, at least one pro cessor mounted to the PCB to couple to some …

Methods and apparatus of dual inline memory modules for flash memory

R Kanapathippillai, KA Okin - US Patent 8,189,328, 2012‏ - Google Patents
BACKGROUND Pluggable memory modules are often used to add more dynamic random
access memory (DRAM) to a pre-existing computer system. However, sometimes there are …

Integrating data from symmetric and asymmetric memory

V Karamcheti, KA Okin, K Ganapathy, A Singhai… - US Patent …, 2010‏ - Google Patents
US7818489B2 - Integrating data from symmetric and asymmetric memory - Google Patents
US7818489B2 - Integrating data from symmetric and asymmetric memory - Google Patents …

Main memory in a system with a memory controller configured to control access to non-volatile memory, and related technologies

V Karamcheti, K Ganapathy, KA Okin… - US Patent …, 2010‏ - Google Patents
(73) Assignee: Virident Systems, Inc., Milpitas, CA 6,970.968 B1 1 1/2005 Holman (US)
6,990,044 B2* 1/2006 Kang......................... 365,235 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the …

Systems for two-dimensional main memory including memory modules with read-writeable non-volatile memory devices

V Karamcheti, K Ganapathy - US Patent 8,856,464, 2014‏ - Google Patents
In one embodiment of the invention, a system is disclosed including a master memory
controller and a plurality of memory modules coupled to the master memory controller. Each …

Systems and apparatus for main memory with non-volatile type memory modules, and related technologies

V Karamcheti, K Ganapathy, KA Okin… - US Patent …, 2010‏ - Google Patents
6,990,044 7,034,955 7,091,598 7,196,554 7,324,352 2002fOO17720 2002fOO51350
2002/01 18593 2002/0133684 2002/0138600 2003/0090879 2003.0137862 2003/0174569 …

System and method of managing displays at a portable computing device and a portable computing device docking station

TK Collopy, RJ Tessitore - US Patent 9,201,593, 2015‏ - Google Patents
US9201593B2 - System and method of managing displays at a portable computing device and a
portable computing device docking station - Google Patents US9201593B2 - System and …