Population dynamics and geographical distribution of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, in Japan
The gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L.(Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), is distributed throughout
most of the northern hemisphere and known as one of the most significant insect pest both in …
most of the northern hemisphere and known as one of the most significant insect pest both in …
[HTML][HTML] Long-living transients in ecological models: Recent progress, new challenges, and open questions
Traditionally, mathematical models in ecology placed an emphasis on asymptotic, long-term
dynamics. However, a large number of recent studies highlighted the importance of transient …
dynamics. However, a large number of recent studies highlighted the importance of transient …
Weather and regional crop composition variation drive spatial synchrony of lepidopteran agricultural pests
1. Spatial synchrony, the tendency for temporal population fluctuations to be correlated
across multiple locations at regional scales, is common and contributes to the severity of …
across multiple locations at regional scales, is common and contributes to the severity of …
Warm temperatures increase population growth of a nonnative defoliator and inhibit demographic responses by parasitoids
Abstract Changes in thermal regimes that disparately affect hosts and parasitoids could
release hosts from biological control. When multiple natural enemy species share a host …
release hosts from biological control. When multiple natural enemy species share a host …
Spatial synchrony is related to environmental change in Finnish moth communities
Spatially distinct pairs of sites may have similarly fluctuating population dynamics across
large geographical distances, a phenomenon called spatial synchrony. However, species …
large geographical distances, a phenomenon called spatial synchrony. However, species …
Cold winters drive consistent and spatially synchronous 8‐year population cycles of cabbage stem flea beetle
Population cycles have been observed in mammals as well as insects, but consistent
population cycling has rarely been documented in agroecosystems and never for a beetle …
population cycling has rarely been documented in agroecosystems and never for a beetle …
[HTML][HTML] PHENTHAUproc–An early warning and decision support system for hazard assessment and control of oak processionary moth (Thaumetopoea processionea)
P Halbig, AS Stelzer, P Baier, J Pennerstorfer… - Forest Ecology and …, 2024 - Elsevier
The incidence of oak processionary moth (OPM), Thaumetopoea processionea L.(Lep.,
Notodontidae), in Central Europe has increased since the 1990s. Given potential climatic …
Notodontidae), in Central Europe has increased since the 1990s. Given potential climatic …
Long transients and dendritic network structure affect spatial predator–prey dynamics in experimental microcosms
Spatial dynamics can promote persistence of strongly interacting predators and prey. Theory
predicts that spatial predator–prey systems are prone to long transients, meaning that the …
predicts that spatial predator–prey systems are prone to long transients, meaning that the …
Temporal patterns of dispersal-induced synchronization in population dynamics
S Ahn, LL Rubchinsky - Journal of theoretical biology, 2020 - Elsevier
The mechanisms and properties of synchronization of oscillating ecological populations
attract attention because it is a fairly common phenomenon and because spatial synchrony …
attract attention because it is a fairly common phenomenon and because spatial synchrony …
Looking for compensation at multiple scales in a wetland bird community
Compensatory dynamics, during which community composition shifts despite a near‐
constant total community size, are usually rare: Synchronous dynamics prevail in natural …
constant total community size, are usually rare: Synchronous dynamics prevail in natural …