The hypercube structure of the genetic code explains conservative and non-conservative aminoacid substitutions in vivo and in vitro
A representation of the genetic code as a six-dimensional Boolean hypercube is described.
This structure is the result of the hierarchical order of the interaction energies of the bases in …
This structure is the result of the hierarchical order of the interaction energies of the bases in …
Genetic code, Hamming distance and stochastic matrices
In this paper we use the Gray code representation of the genetic code C= 00, U= 10, G= 11
and A= 01 (C pairs with G, A pairs with U) to generate a sequence of genetic code-based …
and A= 01 (C pairs with G, A pairs with U) to generate a sequence of genetic code-based …
[PDF][PDF] Ten equations that changed biology: mathematics in problem-solving biology curricula
Abstract; Mathematics has played cxceptionally inportant roles throughout the history of
biology. Tio freqitcrtlly, Ilirse roirs **ve been tinappreciated in biology crurricula because …
biology. Tio freqitcrtlly, Ilirse roirs **ve been tinappreciated in biology crurricula because …
The quest for error correction in biology
The goal of this article is to give a brief account of the recent developments in codes and
biology. With the increasing understanding of biology and with the advancement of …
biology. With the increasing understanding of biology and with the advancement of …
The genetic code—more than just a table
D Berleant, M White, E Pierce, E Tudoreanu… - Cell biochemistry and …, 2009 - Springer
The standard codon table is a primary tool for basic understanding of molecular biology. In
the minds of many, the table's orderly arrangement of bases and amino acids is synonymous …
the minds of many, the table's orderly arrangement of bases and amino acids is synonymous …
[PDF][PDF] The 24 possible algebraic representations of the standard genetic code in six or in three dimensions
The 24 Possible Algebraic Representations of the Standard Genetic Code in Six or in Three
Dimensions Page 1 Advanced Studies in Biology, Vol. 4, 2012, no. 3, 119 - 152 The 24 Possible …
Dimensions Page 1 Advanced Studies in Biology, Vol. 4, 2012, no. 3, 119 - 152 The 24 Possible …
Protein evolution drives the evolution of the genetic code and vice versa
A model for the developmental pathway of the genetic code, grounded on group theory and
the thermodynamics of codon–anticodon interaction is presented. At variance with previous …
the thermodynamics of codon–anticodon interaction is presented. At variance with previous …
Treewidth of generalized Hamming graph, bipartite Kneser graph and generalized Petersen graph
Let $ t, q $ and $ n $ be positive integers. Write $[q]=\{1, 2,\ldots, q\} $. The generalized
Hamming graph $ H (t, q, n) $ is the graph whose vertex set is the cartesian product of $ n …
Hamming graph $ H (t, q, n) $ is the graph whose vertex set is the cartesian product of $ n …
DHT-based functionalities using hypercubes
Decoupling the permanent identifier of a node from the node's topology-dependent address
is a promising approach toward completely scalable self-organizing networks. Existing …
is a promising approach toward completely scalable self-organizing networks. Existing …
GenNBPSeq: Online web server to generate never born protein sequences using toeplitz matrix approach with structure analysis
Background: In biology, the translation of genetic information to its corresponding protein
sequences is carried out using the Universal Genetic Code. Out of all the possible …
sequences is carried out using the Universal Genetic Code. Out of all the possible …