Climate change and European rivers: An eco‐hydromorphological perspective
Climate change is expected to modify temperature and precipitation patterns throughout
Europe, leading to warmer drier summers; wetter, milder winters; and an extended growing …
Europe, leading to warmer drier summers; wetter, milder winters; and an extended growing …
[HTML][HTML] Climate change effects on hatching success and embryonic development of fish: Assessing multiple stressor responses in a large-scale mesocosm study
Climate change threatens freshwater fish species due to predicted changes in thermal,
sedimentary and hydrological properties of stream ecosystems. Gravel-spawning fish are …
sedimentary and hydrological properties of stream ecosystems. Gravel-spawning fish are …
[HTML][HTML] Using bioclimatic indicators to assess climate change impacts on the Spanish wine sector
Grapevine cultivation is an ancestral practice in Mediterranean regions such as Spain. The
current climatic characteristics of this region make it a particularly optimal area for its …
current climatic characteristics of this region make it a particularly optimal area for its …
[HTML][HTML] A spatio-temporal statistical model of maximum daily river temperatures to inform the management of Scotland's Atlantic salmon rivers under climate change
The thermal suitability of riverine habitats for cold water adapted species may be reduced
under climate change. Riparian tree planting is a practical climate change mitigation …
under climate change. Riparian tree planting is a practical climate change mitigation …
[HTML][HTML] Future water temperature of rivers in Switzerland under climate change investigated with physics-based models
River ecosystems are highly sensitive to climate change and projected future increase in air
temperature is expected to increase the stress for these ecosystems. Rivers are also an …
temperature is expected to increase the stress for these ecosystems. Rivers are also an …
Impact of climate change on drought in Aragon (NE Spain)
Droughts are one of the extreme climatic phenomena with the greatest and most persistent
impact on health, economic activities and ecosystems and are poorly understood due to …
impact on health, economic activities and ecosystems and are poorly understood due to …
Hydrological controls on river network connectivity
S Garbin, EA Celegon, P Fanton… - Royal Society open …, 2019 -
This study proposes a probabilistic approach for the quantitative assessment of reach-and
network-scale hydrological connectivity as dictated by river flow space–time variability …
network-scale hydrological connectivity as dictated by river flow space–time variability …
Does drifting passage need to be linked to fish habitat assessment? Assessing environmental flow for multiple fish species with different spawning patterns with a …
The use of environmental flow (e-flow) regimes has been widely implemented to improve
fish habitat quality in river restoration efforts. However, e-flow designs focusing only on one …
fish habitat quality in river restoration efforts. However, e-flow designs focusing only on one …
Can brook trout survive climate change in large rivers? If it rains
We provide an assessment of thermal characteristics and climate change vulnerability for
brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) habitats in the upper Shavers Fork sub-watershed, West …
brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) habitats in the upper Shavers Fork sub-watershed, West …
Projected changes in Brook Trout and Brown Trout distribution in Wisconsin streams in the mid-twenty-first century in response to climate change
Climate warming is a threat to the survival of fishes adapted to cold water. Brook Trout
Salvelinus fontinalis and Brown Trout Salmo trutta are two cold-water species occurring in …
Salvelinus fontinalis and Brown Trout Salmo trutta are two cold-water species occurring in …