Tasaheel: An Arabic Automative Textual Analysis Tool—All in One

HT Himdi, FY Assiri - IEEE Access, 2023‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper demonstrates Tasaheel, an automative Arabic textual analysis tool. It offers two
types of textual analysis utilities: traditional natural language processing tasks; such as …

Levenstein's Algorithm On English and Arabic: A Survey

S Abdulmalek, ALH Salah, M Alsurori… - 2021 International …, 2021‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Survey research is one of the important types of scientific research needed to address the
advancement in specific research areas. In this paper, we aim to provide a critical review of …

Integrating K-Means clustering and Levenshtein distance and K-nearest neighbor algorithms for enhanced Arabic sentiment analysis

G Al-Gaphari, S AL-Hagree, HA Alsayadi - International Conference of …, 2023‏ - Springer
Arabic sentiment analysis (ASA) is a challenging field due to the complexity of the Arabic
language. Although there have been some studies on ASA, the number of such studies is …

Investigating the impact of utilizing the K-nearest neighbor and Levenshtein distance algorithms for Arabic sentiment analysis on mobile applications

AA Al-Shalabi, S Alhagree, G Al-Gaphari… - Sana'a University …, 2023‏ - journals.su.edu.ye
The field of sentiment analysis of Arabic scripts remains a major challenge due to the
features, characteristics, and complexity of the Arabic language. Few studies on Arabic …

An improved N-gram distance for names matching

S Al-Hagree, M Al-Sanabani, M Hadwan… - 2019 First …, 2019‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
N-gram distance (N-DIST) was developed by Kondrak's lately to measure the distance
between two strings. It was found that, this distance could be computed by a smart dynamic …

An efficient text representation for searching and retrieving classical diacritical arabic text

S Hakak, A Kamsin, P Shivakumara, O Tayan… - Procedia computer …, 2018‏ - Elsevier
Due to the rapid growth of the Internet and advanced technologies, data storage and
extraction of Arabic diacritical data in real time from an Arabic corpus have become a vital …

Soft Bigram distance for names matching

M Hadwan, MA Al-Hagery, M Al-Sanabani… - PeerJ Computer …, 2021‏ - peerj.com
Background Bi-gram distance (BI-DIST) is a recent approach to measure the distance
between two strings that have an important role in a wide range of applications in various …

Big data biopolitics: Computing racialised assemblages in terrorist watchlist matching

G Kafer - Digital Culture & Society, 2019‏ - degruyter.com
This article considers the medial logics of American terrorist watchlist screening in order to
study the ways in which digital inequities result from specific computational parameters …

Supporting highly speculative execution via adaptive branch trees

TF Chen - … 1998 Fourth International Symposium on High …, 1998‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Most of the prediction mechanisms predict a single path to continue the execution on a
branch. Alternatively, we may exploit parallelism from either possible paths of a branch …

Designing an accurate and efficient algorithm for matching arabic names

S Al-Hagree, M Al-Sanabani… - 2019 First …, 2019‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A great deal of research has been done to find out an accurate algorithm for name matching
that would play major role in the application process. Researchers have developed several …