[HTML][HTML] Согласованное мнение российских экспертов по профилактике, диагностике и лечению сердечно-сосудистой токсичности противоопухолевой …

ЮА Васюк, ГЕ Гендлин, ЕИ Емелина… - Российский …, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
АВ—атриовентрикулярный (ая) АГ—артериальная гипертензия АД—артериальное
давление АТ—артериальный тромбоз АТО—атеротромботические осложнения АТФ …

2022 ESC Guidelines on cardio-oncology developed in collaboration with the European Hematology Association (EHA), the European Society for Therapeutic …

AR Lyon, T López-Fernández, LS Couch… - European Heart …, 2022 - academic.oup.com
ESC Guidelines e341 (1) the specific situation of the patient. In this respect, it is specified
that, unless otherwise provided for by national regulations, offlabel use of medication should …

Atorvastatin for anthracycline-associated cardiac dysfunction: the STOP-CA randomized clinical trial

TG Neilan, T Quinaglia, T Onoue, SS Mahmood… - Jama, 2023 - jamanetwork.com
Importance Anthracyclines treat a broad range of cancers. Basic and retrospective clinical
data have suggested that use of atorvastatin may be associated with a reduction in cardiac …

The updated landscape of tumor microenvironment and drug repurposing

MZ **, WL ** - Signal transduction and targeted therapy, 2020 - nature.com
Accumulating evidence shows that cellular and acellular components in tumor
microenvironment (TME) can reprogram tumor initiation, growth, invasion, metastasis, and …

[HTML][HTML] Management of cardiac disease in cancer patients throughout oncological treatment: ESMO consensus recommendations

G Curigliano, D Lenihan, M Fradley, S Ganatra… - Annals of …, 2020 - Elsevier
Cancer and cardiovascular (CV) disease are the most prevalent diseases in the developed
world. Evidence increasingly shows that these conditions are interlinked through common …

Adverse cardiac effects of cancer therapies: cardiotoxicity and arrhythmia

J Herrmann - Nature Reviews Cardiology, 2020 - nature.com
Remarkable progress has been made in the development of new therapies for cancer,
dramatically changing the landscape of treatment approaches for several malignancies and …

A review of the pathophysiological mechanisms of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity and aging

AN Linders, IB Dias, T López Fernández, CG Tocchetti… - npj Aging, 2024 - nature.com
The population of cancer survivors is rapidly increasing due to improving healthcare.
However, cancer therapies often have long-term side effects. One example is cancer therapy …

[HTML][HTML] Сonsensus statement of Russian experts on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiotoxicity of anticancer therapy

YA Vasyuk, GE Gendlin, EI Emelina… - Russian Journal of …, 2021 - russjcardiol.elpub.ru
Сonsensus statement of Russian experts on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of
cardiotoxicity of anticancer therapy | Vasyuk | Russian Journal of Cardiology Russian …