Complementarity in nutrient foraging strategies of absorptive fine roots and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi across 14 coexisting subtropical tree species
In most cases, both roots and mycorrhizal fungi are needed for plant nutrient foraging.
Frequently, the colonization of roots by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi seems to be …
Frequently, the colonization of roots by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi seems to be …
[KNIHA][B] Applications of physiological ecology to forest management
JJ Landsberg, ST Gower - 1997 - books.google.com
Forest management is a complex process that now incorporates information obtained from
many sources. It is increasingly obvious that the physiological status of the trees in a forest …
many sources. It is increasingly obvious that the physiological status of the trees in a forest …
An arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculum enhances root proliferation in, but not nitrogen capture from, nutrient-rich patches in soil
Most work on root proliferation to a localized nutrient supply has ignored the possible role of
mycorrhizal fungi, despite their key role in nutrient acquisition. Interactions between roots of …
mycorrhizal fungi, despite their key role in nutrient acquisition. Interactions between roots of …
The effects of agricultural practices on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
J Jansa, A Wiemken, E Frossard - Geological Society, London …, 2006 - lyellcollection.org
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) form symbiotic associations with the majority of land
plants, including many important agricultural crops. These fungi facilitate plant nutrient …
plants, including many important agricultural crops. These fungi facilitate plant nutrient …
A large ephemeral release of nitrogen upon wetting of dry soil and corresponding root responses in the field
M Cui, MM Caldwell - Plant and Soil, 1997 - Springer
To assess changes in soil nutrients, root growth and mycrorrhizal infection in response to
rain events, a water pulse was applied to a very dry soil. Wetting of a dry soil in the Great …
rain events, a water pulse was applied to a very dry soil. Wetting of a dry soil in the Great …
The responses of seven co‐occurring woodland herbaceous perennials to localized nutrient‐rich patches
RA Farley, AH Fitter - Journal of Ecology, 1999 - Wiley Online Library
Summary 1 Nutrient‐rich patches can occur in soils at a wide range of spatial and temporal
scales. Differences in the root proliferation response between species may be due to …
scales. Differences in the root proliferation response between species may be due to …
Integrating resource heterogeneity and plant plasticity: modelling nitrate and phosphate uptake in a patchy soil environment
RB Jackson, MM Caldwell - Journal of Ecology, 1996 - JSTOR
1 We used the Barber-Cushman model of nutrient uptake to simulate the importance of soil
heterogeneity and root plasticity for nitrate (NO-3) and phosphate (P) uptake. Model inputs …
heterogeneity and root plasticity for nitrate (NO-3) and phosphate (P) uptake. Model inputs …
Fruit production and quality of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.) are affected by green compost and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Green compost, produced from green wastes, is characterized by high quality standards.
The influence of soil amendment with green compost and with an arbuscular mycorrhizal …
The influence of soil amendment with green compost and with an arbuscular mycorrhizal …
Plant nitrogen capture from organic matter as affected by spatial dispersion, interspecific competition and mycorrhizal colonization
A Hodge - New Phytologist, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
The capture of nitrogen (N) by plants from N‐rich complex organic material differing in
spatial (uniform dispersion or discrete patches) heterogeneity was measured, as well as the …
spatial (uniform dispersion or discrete patches) heterogeneity was measured, as well as the …
Occurrence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a phosphorus‐poor wetland and mycorrhizal response to phosphorus fertilization
WK Cornwell, BL Bedford… - American Journal of …, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
The presence of arbuscular mycorrhizas in fens has received little attention, but because fen
plants are often phosphorus limited, the plant–fungus interaction could be an important …
plants are often phosphorus limited, the plant–fungus interaction could be an important …