Data fusion

J Bleiholder, F Naumann - ACM computing surveys (CSUR), 2009 -
The development of the Internet in recent years has made it possible and useful to access
many different information systems anywhere in the world to obtain information. While there …

Data-Centric Systems and Applications

MJ Carey, S Ceri, P Bernstein, U Dayal, C Faloutsos… - Italy: Springer, 2006 - Springer
The rapid growth of the Web in the past two decades has made it the largest publicly
accessible data source in the world. Web mining aims to discover useful information or …

Data and information quality

C Batini, M Scannapieco - Cham, Switzerland: Springer International …, 2016 - Springer
This book is the result of a study path that started in 2006, when the two authors of this book
published the book Data Quality: Concepts, Methodologies and Techniques. After 8 years …

[หนังสือ][B] Data on the web: from relations to semistructured data and XML

S Abiteboul, P Buneman, D Suciu - 2000 -
The Web is causing a revolution in how we represent, retrieve, and process information Its
growth has given us a universally accessible database-but in the form of a largely …

Querying semi-structured data

S Abiteboul - Database Theory—ICDT'97: 6th International …, 1997 - Springer
The amount of data of all kinds available electronically has increased dramatically in recent
years. The data resides in different forms, ranging from unstructured data in file systems to …

Semistructured data

P Buneman - Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD …, 1997 -
In semistructured data, the information that is normally associated with a schema is
contained within the data, which is sometimes called “self-describing”. In some forms of …

The Lorel query language for semistructured data

S Abiteboul, D Quass, J McHugh, J Widom… - International journal on …, 1997 - Springer
Lorel language, designed for querying semistructured data. Semistructured data is
becoming more and more prevalent, eg, in structured documents such as HTML and when …

Query languages for graph databases

PT Wood - ACM Sigmod Record, 2012 -
Query languages for graph databases started to be investigated some 25 years ago. With
much current data, such as linked data on the Web and social network data, being graph …

The TSIMMIS approach to mediation: Data models and languages

H Garcia-Molina, Y Papakonstantinou, D Quass… - Journal of intelligent …, 1997 - Springer
Abstract TSIMMIS—The Stanford-IBM Manager of Multiple InformationSources—is a system
for integrating information. It offers a datamodel and a common query language that are …

Database techniques for the World-Wide Web: A survey

D Florescu, A Levy, A Mendelzon - ACM Sigmod Record, 1998 -
The popularity of the World-Wide Web (WWW) has made it a prime vehicle for disseminating
information. The relevance of database concepts to the problems of managing and querying …