An overview of recent progress in the study of distributed multi-agent coordination
This paper reviews some main results and progress in distributed multi-agent coordination,
focusing on papers published in major control systems and robotics journals since 2006 …
focusing on papers published in major control systems and robotics journals since 2006 …
On the control of multi-agent systems: A survey
F Chen, W Ren - Foundations and Trends® in Systems and …, 2019 - nowpublishers.com
Recent years have witnessed a trend to use networked multiple autonomous agents to
accomplish complex tasks arising from space-based applications, smart grids, and machine …
accomplish complex tasks arising from space-based applications, smart grids, and machine …
Event-triggered communication and control of networked systems for multi-agent consensus
This article provides an introduction to event-triggered coordination for multi-agent average
consensus. We provide a comprehensive account of the motivations behind the use of event …
consensus. We provide a comprehensive account of the motivations behind the use of event …
Time-varying formation control for unmanned aerial vehicles: Theories and applications
Formation control analysis and design problems for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarm
systems to achieve time-varying formations are investigated. To achieve predefined time …
systems to achieve time-varying formations are investigated. To achieve predefined time …
Designing fully distributed consensus protocols for linear multi-agent systems with directed graphs
This technical note addresses the distributed consensus protocol design problem for multi-
agent systems with general linear dynamics and directed communication graphs. Existing …
agent systems with general linear dynamics and directed communication graphs. Existing …
[CARTE][B] Cooperative control of multi-agent systems: a consensus region approach
Z Li, Z Duan - 2017 - books.google.com
Distributed controller design is generally a challenging task, especially for multi-agent
systems with complex dynamics, due to the interconnected effect of the agent dynamics, the …
systems with complex dynamics, due to the interconnected effect of the agent dynamics, the …
Distributed adaptive control for consensus tracking with application to formation control of nonholonomic mobile robots
In this paper, we investigate the output consensus problem of tracking a desired trajectory
for a class of systems consisting of multiple nonlinear subsystems with intrinsic mismatched …
for a class of systems consisting of multiple nonlinear subsystems with intrinsic mismatched …
Consensus of multi-agent systems with general linear and Lipschitz nonlinear dynamics using distributed adaptive protocols
This technical brief considers the distributed consensus problems for multi-agent systems
with general linear and Lipschitz nonlinear dynamics. Distributed relative-state consensus …
with general linear and Lipschitz nonlinear dynamics. Distributed relative-state consensus …
Optimal design for synchronization of cooperative systems: state feedback, observer and output feedback
This technical note studies synchronization of identical general linear systems on a digraph
containing a spanning tree. A leader node or command generator is considered, which …
containing a spanning tree. A leader node or command generator is considered, which …
Distributed consensus of linear multi-agent systems with adaptive dynamic protocols
This paper considers the distributed consensus problem of multi-agent systems with general
continuous-time linear dynamics for both the cases without and with a leader whose control …
continuous-time linear dynamics for both the cases without and with a leader whose control …