On learning multivalued dependencies with queries

VL Puente - Theoretical Computer Science, 2011 - Elsevier
Data dependencies play an important role in the design of relational databases. There is a
strong connection between dependencies and some fragments of the propositional logic. In …

Learning an extension of the class of functional dependencies with queries

VL Puente - New Generation Computing, 2015 - Springer
Data dependencies are a useful tool to design relational databases. In particular, functional
and multivalued dependencies are used to obtain relation schemes that satisfy the 4th …

Negative results on learning multivalued dependencies with queries

VL Puente, M Hermo - Information processing letters, 2011 - Elsevier
Data dependencies are useful to design relational databases. There is a strong connection
between dependencies and some fragments of the propositional logic. In particular …

Exact learning of multivalued dependencies

M Hermo, A Ozaki - … Learning Theory: 26th International Conference, ALT …, 2015 - Springer
The transformation of a relational database schema into fourth normal form, which minimizes
data redundancy, relies on the correct identification of multivalued dependencies. In this …

[HTML][HTML] Exact learning of multivalued dependency formulas

M Hermo, A Ozaki - Theoretical Computer Science, 2018 - Elsevier
The transformation of a relational database schema into fourth normal form, which minimizes
data redundancy, relies on the correct identification of multivalued dependencies. In this …

Learning sets of antecedent-restricted functional and multivalued dependencies with queries

V Lavín Puente - Theory of Computing Systems, 2016 - Springer
Identifying dependencies that hold in relational databases is essential to produce good
databases designs. In particular, functional and multivalued dependencies are used to …

[PDF][PDF] Closure via Functional Dependence Simplification-special issue CMMSE 2010

A Moraa, P Corderoa, M Encisob, IP de Guzmána… - academia.edu
A method for computing the closure of a set of attributes according to a specification of
Functional Dependencies of the relational model is shown. The main feature of this method …

Using Concept Lattices to mine functional dependencies

J Baixeries i Juvillà - 2003 - upcommons.upc.edu
Concept Lattices have been proved to be a valuable tool to represent the knowlegde in a
database. In this paper we show how functional dependencies in databases can be …

[CITATA][C] A formal concept analysis framework to mine functional dependencies

J Baixeries - Proceeding of the Workshop on Mathematical Methods …, 2004

[CITATA][C] Learning a Subclass of Multivalued Dependencies Formulas from Entailments