Infrared spectroscopy in superfluid helium droplets
For more than two decades, encapsulation in superfluid helium nanodroplets has served as
a reliable technique for probing the structure and dynamics of molecules and clusters at a …
a reliable technique for probing the structure and dynamics of molecules and clusters at a …
Imaging quantum vortices in superfluid helium droplets
Free superfluid helium droplets constitute a versatile medium for a diverse range of
experiments in physics and chemistry that extend from studies of the fundamental laws of …
experiments in physics and chemistry that extend from studies of the fundamental laws of …
X-ray diffractive imaging of highly ionized helium nanodroplets
Finding the lowest energy configuration of N unit charges on a sphere, known as Thomson's
problem, is a long-standing query which has only been studied via numerical simulations …
problem, is a long-standing query which has only been studied via numerical simulations …
Three-dimensional shapes of spinning helium nanodroplets
A significant fraction of superfluid helium nanodroplets produced in a free-jet expansion has
been observed to gain high angular momentum resulting in large centrifugal deformation …
been observed to gain high angular momentum resulting in large centrifugal deformation …
[HTML][HTML] CAMP@ FLASH: an end-station for imaging, electron-and ion-spectroscopy, and pump–probe experiments at the FLASH free-electron laser
The non-monochromatic beamline BL1 at the FLASH free-electron laser facility at DESY was
upgraded with new transport and focusing optics, and a new permanent end-station, CAMP …
upgraded with new transport and focusing optics, and a new permanent end-station, CAMP …
Long-lasting field-free alignment of large molecules inside helium nanodroplets
Molecules with their axes sharply confined in space, available through laser-induced
alignment methods, are essential for many current experiments, including ultrafast molecular …
alignment methods, are essential for many current experiments, including ultrafast molecular …
Angular momentum in rotating superfluid droplets
The angular momentum of rotating superfluid droplets originates from quantized vortices
and capillary waves, the interplay between which remains to be uncovered. Here, the …
and capillary waves, the interplay between which remains to be uncovered. Here, the …
Interatomic and intermolecular decay processes in quantum fluid clusters
In this comprehensive review, we explore interatomic and intermolecular correlated
electronic decay phenomena observed in superfluid helium nanodroplets subjected to …
electronic decay phenomena observed in superfluid helium nanodroplets subjected to …
Aggregation of solutes in bosonic versus fermionic quantum fluids
Quantum fluid droplets made of helium-3 (3He) or helium-4 (4He) isotopes have long been
considered as ideal cryogenic nanolabs, enabling unique ultracold chemistry and …
considered as ideal cryogenic nanolabs, enabling unique ultracold chemistry and …
Coupled motion of Xe clusters and quantum vortices in He nanodroplets
Single He nanodroplets doped with Xe atoms are studied via ultrafast coherent x-ray
diffraction imaging. The diffraction images show that rotating He nanodroplets about 200 nm …
diffraction imaging. The diffraction images show that rotating He nanodroplets about 200 nm …