Uncovering the overlap** community structure of complex networks in nature and society

G Palla, I Derényi, I Farkas, T Vicsek - nature, 2005‏ - nature.com
Many complex systems in nature and society can be described in terms of networks
capturing the intricate web of connections among the units they are made of,,,. A key …

Statistical mechanics of community detection

J Reichardt, S Bornholdt - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2006‏ - APS
Starting from a general ansatz, we show how community detection can be interpreted as
finding the ground state of an infinite range spin glass. Our approach applies to weighted …

Quantifying social group evolution

G Palla, AL Barabási, T Vicsek - Nature, 2007‏ - nature.com
The rich set of interactions between individuals in society,,,,,, results in complex community
structure, capturing highly connected circles of friends, families or professional cliques in a …

[ספר][B] Adaptive networks

T Gross, H Sayama - 2009‏ - Springer
Over the past decades it has become clear that the metaphor of networks–ensembles of
discrete nodes connected by links–offers a powerful conceptual framework for the …

A maximal clique based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for overlap** community detection

X Wen, WN Chen, Y Lin, T Gu, H Zhang… - IEEE Transactions …, 2016‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Detecting community structure has become one important technique for studying complex
networks. Although many community detection algorithms have been proposed, most of …

Weighted network modules

I Farkas, D Ábel, G Palla, T Vicsek - New Journal of Physics, 2007‏ - iopscience.iop.org
The inclusion of link weights into the analysis of network properties allows a deeper insight
into the (often overlap**) modular structure of real-world webs. We introduce a clustering …

Modularity measure of networks with overlap** communities

A Lázár, D Abel, T Vicsek - Europhysics Letters, 2010‏ - iopscience.iop.org
In this paper we introduce a non-fuzzy measure which has been designed to rank the
partitions of a network's nodes into overlap** communities. Such a measure can be useful …

An efficient algorithm for solving pseudo clique enumeration problem

T Uno - Algorithmica, 2010‏ - Springer
The problem of finding dense structures in a given graph is quite basic in informatics
including data mining and data engineering. Clique is a popular model to represent dense …

Preferential attachment of communities: The same principle, but a higher level

P Pollner, G Palla, T Vicsek - Europhysics Letters, 2005‏ - iopscience.iop.org
The graph of communities is a network emerging above the level of individual nodes in the
hierarchical organisation of a complex system. In this graph the nodes correspond to …

E‐science and open access repositories in Spain

B Rodríguez Bravo, M Luisa Alvite Díez - OCLC Systems & Services …, 2007‏ - emerald.com
Purpose–The purpose of this article is to highlight the role of science repositories in the
development of e‐science. It aims to provide an overview of the open access collections …