A survey of skyline query processing

C Kalyvas, T Tzouramanis - arxiv preprint arxiv:1704.01788, 2017 - arxiv.org
Living in the Information Age allows almost everyone have access to a large amount of
information and options to choose from in order to fulfill their needs. In many cases, the …

Spatial data quality in the Internet of Things: Management, exploitation, and prospects

H Li, H Lu, CS Jensen, B Tang… - ACM Computing Surveys …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
With the continued deployment of the Internet of Things (IoT), increasing volumes of devices
are being deployed that emit massive spatially referenced data. Due in part to the dynamic …

Skyline queries, front and back

J Chomicki, P Ciaccia, N Meneghetti - ACM SIGMOD Record, 2013 - dl.acm.org
Skyline queries are a popular way to obtain preferred answers from the database by
providing only the orderings of attribute values. The result of a skyline query consists of …

Risk-aware path selection with time-varying, uncertain travel costs: a time series approach

J Hu, B Yang, C Guo, CS Jensen - The VLDB Journal, 2018 - Springer
We address the problem of choosing the best paths among a set of candidate paths
between the same origin–destination pair. This functionality is used extensively when …

Pareto-optimal community search on large bipartite graphs

Y Zhang, K Wang, W Zhang, X Lin… - Proceedings of the 30th …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
In many real-world applications, bipartite graphs are naturally used to model relationships
between two types of entities. Community discovery over bipartite graphs is a fundamental …

Processing k-skyband, constrained skyline, and group-by skyline queries on incomplete data

Y Gao, X Miao, H Cui, G Chen, Q Li - Expert Systems with Applications, 2014 - Elsevier
The skyline operator has been extensively explored in the literature, and most of the existing
approaches assume that all dimensions are available for all data items. However, many …

Efficient computation of g-skyline groups

C Wang, C Wang, G Guo, X Ye… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The skyline of a data point set is made up of the best points in the set, and is very important
for multi-criteria decision making. In these years, the skyline problem attracts more and more …

Social-Aware Spatial Top-k and Skyline Queries

A Sohail, MA Cheema, D Taniar - The Computer Journal, 2018 - academic.oup.com
The widespread proliferation of location-acquisition techniques and GPS-embedded mobile
devices have resulted in the generation of geo-tagged data at unprecedented scale and …

Finding probabilistic k-skyline sets on uncertain data

J Liu, H Zhang, L **ong, H Li, J Luo - … of the 24th acm international on …, 2015 - dl.acm.org
Skyline is a set of points that are not dominated by any other point. Given uncertain objects,
probabilistic skyline has been studied which computes objects with high probability of being …

Domination in the probabilistic world: Computing skylines for arbitrary correlations and ranking semantics

I Bartolini, P Ciaccia, M Patella - ACM Transactions on Database …, 2014 - dl.acm.org
In a probabilistic database, deciding if a tuple u is better than another tuple v has not a
univocal solution, rather it depends on the specific Probabilistic Ranking Semantics (PRS) …