[CARTE][B] Grundkurs künstliche intelligenz
W Ertel, NT Black - 2016 - Springer
2 1 Einführung und weichen jeder Kollision elegant aus. Wieder andere folgen anscheinend
einem Führer. Auch aggressives Verhalten kann bei einigen beobachtet werden. Sehen wir …
einem Führer. Auch aggressives Verhalten kann bei einigen beobachtet werden. Sehen wir …
Automatic high-level motion sequencing methods for enabling multi-tasking construction robots
Robots are expected to play an important role in future construction work. However, they are
not yet widely adopted by the industry because it is difficult and expensive to program robots …
not yet widely adopted by the industry because it is difficult and expensive to program robots …
A critical review on the symbol grounding problem as an issue of autonomous agents
Many recent papers claim, that the symbol grounding problem (SGP) remains unsolved.
Most AI researchers ignore that and the autonomous agents (or robots) they design indeed …
Most AI researchers ignore that and the autonomous agents (or robots) they design indeed …
MASD: A multimodal assembly skill decoding system for robot programming by demonstration
Programming by demonstration (PBD) transforms the robot programming from the code level
to automated interface between robot and human, promoting the flexibility of robotized …
to automated interface between robot and human, promoting the flexibility of robotized …
Semantic communication with conceptual spaces
Despite the fact that Shannon and Weaver's Mathematical Theory of Communication was
published over 70 years ago, all communication systems continue to operate at the first of …
published over 70 years ago, all communication systems continue to operate at the first of …
Deep reinforcement learning of abstract reasoning from demonstrations
M Clark-Turner, M Begum - Proceedings of the 2018 ACM/IEEE …, 2018 - dl.acm.org
Extracting a set of generalizable rules that govern the dynamics of complex, high-level
interactions between humans based only on observations is a high-level cognitive ability …
interactions between humans based only on observations is a high-level cognitive ability …
Data-driven conceptual spaces: creating semantic representations for linguistic descriptions of numerical data
There is an increasing need to derive semantics from real-world observations to facilitate
natural information sharing between machine and human. Conceptual spaces theory is a …
natural information sharing between machine and human. Conceptual spaces theory is a …
Can we use conceptual spaces to model moral principles?
Can the theory of conceptual spaces developed by Peter Gärdenfors (2000, 2014) and
others be applied to moral issues? Martin Peterson (2017) argues that several moral …
others be applied to moral issues? Martin Peterson (2017) argues that several moral …
Semantic learning from keyframe demonstration using object attribute constraints
Learning from demonstration is an approach that allows users to personalize a robot's tasks.
While demonstrations often focus on conveying the robot's motion or task plans, they can …
While demonstrations often focus on conveying the robot's motion or task plans, they can …
Deep recurrent Q-learning of behavioral intervention delivery by a robot from demonstration data
M Clark-Turner, M Begum - 2017 26th IEEE International …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We present a learning from demonstration (LfD) framework that uses a deep recurrent Q-
network (DRQN) to learn how to deliver a behavioral intervention (BI) from demonstrations …
network (DRQN) to learn how to deliver a behavioral intervention (BI) from demonstrations …