High-level numerical simulations of noise in CCD and CMOS photosensors: review and tutorial

M Konnik, J Welsh - arxiv preprint arxiv:1412.4031, 2014 - arxiv.org
In many applications, such as development and testing of image processing algorithms, it is
often necessary to simulate images containing realistic noise from solid-state photosensors …

An overview on parametric quantile regression models and their computational implementation with applications to biomedical problems including COVID-19 data

J Mazucheli, B Alves, AFB Menezes, V Leiva - Computer methods and …, 2022 - Elsevier
Quantile regression allows us to estimate the relationship between covariates and any
quantile of the response variable rather than the mean. Recently, several statistical …

[КНИГА][B] Art of progressive censoring

N Balakrishnan, E Cramer - 2014 - Springer
Practitioners and statisticians are often faced with incomplete or censored data. In life
testing, censored samples are present whenever the experimenter does not observe the …

Learning for video compression with recurrent auto-encoder and recurrent probability model

R Yang, F Mentzer, L Van Gool… - IEEE Journal of Selected …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The past few years have witnessed increasing interests in applying deep learning to video
compression. However, the existing approaches compress a video frame with only a few …

[КНИГА][B] A guide to chi-squared testing

PE Greenwood, MS Nikulin - 1996 - books.google.com
The first step-by-step guide to conducting successful Chi-squaredtests Chi-squared testing
is one of the most commonly applied statisticaltechniques. It provides reliable answers for …

[КНИГА][B] Handbook of statistical distributions with applications

K Krishnamoorthy - 2006 - taylorfrancis.com
In the area of applied statistics, scientists use statistical distributions to model a wide range
of practical problems, from modeling the size grade distribution of onions to modeling global …

[КНИГА][B] Statistical modelling with quantile functions

W Gilchrist - 2000 - taylorfrancis.com
Galton used quantiles more than a hundred years ago in describing data. Tukey and Parzen
used them in the 60s and 70s in describing populations. Since then, the authors of many …

Progressive censoring methodology: an appraisal

N Balakrishnan - Test, 2007 - Springer
Abstract Properties of progressively censored order statistics and inferential procedures
based on progressively censored samples have recently attracted considerable attention in …

[КНИГА][B] A primer on statistical distributions

N Balakrishnan, VB Nevzorov - 2004 - books.google.com
Designed as an introduction to statistical distribution theory.* Includes a first chapter on
basic notations and definitions that are essential to working with distributions.* Remaining …

Extracting top-k insights from multi-dimensional data

B Tang, S Han, ML Yiu, R Ding, D Zhang - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM …, 2017 - dl.acm.org
OLAP tools have been extensively used by enterprises to make better and faster decisions.
Nevertheless, they require users to specify group-by attributes and know precisely what they …