Cluster beams in the super-intense femtosecond laser pulse
VP Krainov, MB Smirnov - Physics reports, 2002 - Elsevier
The evolution of large atomic clusters exposed to a super-intense ultrashort laser pulse is
considered. Cluster excitation results from the interaction of its electron subsystem with the …
considered. Cluster excitation results from the interaction of its electron subsystem with the …
[KNIHA][B] Short pulse laser interactions with matter: an introduction
P Gibbon - 2005 -
This book represents the first comprehensive treatment of the subject, covering the
theoretical principles, present experimental status and important applications of short-pulse …
theoretical principles, present experimental status and important applications of short-pulse …
Absorption of ultrashort, ultra-intense laser light by solids and overdense plasmas
SC Wilks, WL Kruer - IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 1997 -
Absorption mechanisms for ultra-intense (I> 10/sup 17/W/cm/sup 2/) laser pulses incident on
solids and overdense plasma slabs are discussed. We focus on the ultrashort pulse regime …
solids and overdense plasma slabs are discussed. We focus on the ultrashort pulse regime …
[KNIHA][B] High power laser-matter interaction
P Mulser, D Bauer - 2010 -
Introduction and handbook to high-power laser-matter interaction, laser generated plasma,
nonlinear waves, particle acceleration, nonlinear optics, nonlinear dynamics, radiation …
nonlinear waves, particle acceleration, nonlinear optics, nonlinear dynamics, radiation …
Absorption of ultrashort intense lasers in laser–solid interactions
With the advent of ultrashort high intensity laser pulses, laser absorption during the laser–
solid interactions has received significant attention over the last two decades since it is …
solid interactions has received significant attention over the last two decades since it is …
Laser–plasma interactions for fast ignition
In the electron-driven fast-ignition (FI) approach to inertial confinement fusion, petawatt laser
pulses are required to generate MeV electrons that deposit several tens of kilojoules in the …
pulses are required to generate MeV electrons that deposit several tens of kilojoules in the …
Absorption of laser light in overdense plasmas by sheath inverse bremsstrahlung
TYB Yang, WL Kruer, RM More, AB Langdon - Physics of Plasmas, 1995 -
The original sheath inverse bremsstrahlung model [PJ Catto and RM More, Phys. Fluids 20,
704 (1977)] is modified by including the v× B term in the equation of motion, as the …
704 (1977)] is modified by including the v× B term in the equation of motion, as the …
A model of ultrashort laser pulse absorption in solid targets
With the rapid development and continuously improving technology of subpicosecond laser
pulses generation, 1 new problems are now being considered. During the interaction with …
pulses generation, 1 new problems are now being considered. During the interaction with …
Surface plasmons in superintense laser-solid interactions
A Macchi - Physics of Plasmas, 2018 -
We review studies of superintense laser interactions with solid targets where the generation
of propagating surface plasmons (or surface waves) plays a key role. These studies include …
of propagating surface plasmons (or surface waves) plays a key role. These studies include …
Reflection of femtosecond laser light in multipulse ablation of metals
AY Vorobyev, C Guo - Journal of Applied Physics, 2011 -
The shot-to-shot reflectance of high-intensity laser light is studied as a function of both the
number of laser shots and laser fluence in multipulse ablation of a metal when the irradiated …
number of laser shots and laser fluence in multipulse ablation of a metal when the irradiated …