Agricultural Co-operatives in the western world: A bibliometric analysis
Since the establishment of one of the early co-operatives in Western Europe in the 1800s, co-
operatives in the Western world have developed exponentially and played essential roles in …
operatives in the Western world have developed exponentially and played essential roles in …
[HTML][HTML] Aggregation models and small farm commercialization–A sco** review of the global literature
Aggregation models where small farms jointly access credit, inputs, information, and product
markets are not new to global agricultural systems. For over a century, agricultural …
markets are not new to global agricultural systems. For over a century, agricultural …
The determinants and economic impacts of membership in coffee farmer cooperatives: recent evidence from rural Ethiopia
D Mojo, C Fischer, T Degefa - Journal of Rural studies, 2017 - Elsevier
Smallholder farmers in develo** countries are often encouraged to get organized into
cooperatives mainly to overcome production and marketing constraints that usually hinder …
cooperatives mainly to overcome production and marketing constraints that usually hinder …
[HTML][HTML] Does cooperative membership increase and accelerate agricultural technology adoption? Empirical evidence from Zambia
In develo** countries, agricultural cooperatives are increasingly being used to promote
improved agricultural technologies and alleviate food insecurity and poverty. However, little …
improved agricultural technologies and alleviate food insecurity and poverty. However, little …
An integrated conceptual framework for the study of agricultural cooperatives: from repolitisation to cooperative sustainability
R Ajates - Journal of Rural Studies, 2020 - Elsevier
Agricultural cooperatives (ACs) are major players in European farming, where they account
for 40–60% of agricultural trade, and are key actors in articulating rural realities. This paper …
for 40–60% of agricultural trade, and are key actors in articulating rural realities. This paper …
Cooperative membership and dairy performance among smallholders in Ethiopia
This study assesses the impact of cooperative membership among dairy producers in
Selale, Ethiopia. We selected ten impact indicators: proportion of dairy income to total …
Selale, Ethiopia. We selected ten impact indicators: proportion of dairy income to total …
The benefits and limitations of agricultural input cooperatives in Zambia
Abstract Policymakers in Southern Africa have long viewed agricultural cooperatives as a
way to reach rural households more easily, but because not all rural households can afford …
way to reach rural households more easily, but because not all rural households can afford …
Evaluating the roles of the farmer's cooperative for fostering environmentally friendly production technologies-a case of kiwi-fruit farmers in Meixian, China
The agricultural cooperative may significantly impact the adoption of environmentally
friendly production technologies, which eventually help the farmers with better living …
friendly production technologies, which eventually help the farmers with better living …
Agricultural cooperatives contributing to the alleviation of rural poverty. The case of Konjic (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Abstract In contemporary Bosnia and Herzegovina, rural poverty is an unresolved issue,
despite farming having been a poverty co** strategy for many rural dwellers, especially …
despite farming having been a poverty co** strategy for many rural dwellers, especially …
[HTML][HTML] Entrepreneurial intention among rural youth in Moroccan agricultural cooperatives: The future of rural entrepreneurship
Rural entrepreneurship in the develo** world has long been hailed as a powerful tool for
promoting the socioeconomic integration of young people and the key to avoiding rural …
promoting the socioeconomic integration of young people and the key to avoiding rural …