The implementation of religious moderation values in islamic education and character subject at state senior high school 9 Manado
In addition, this study aims to analyze the application of religious moderation values in
Islamic education and character subjects at State Senior High School 9 Manado using a …
Islamic education and character subjects at State Senior High School 9 Manado using a …
Prosocial behavior of elementary school students based on gender differences in society 5.0
This study aimed to determine the prosocial behavior of elementary school high-grade
students based on gender differences in society 5.0. Challenges in fostering students' …
students based on gender differences in society 5.0. Challenges in fostering students' …
Integrating traditional-modern education in madrasa to promote competitive graduates in the globalization era
The dichotomy of education still exists in the last decade in Indonesia; meanwhile, education
must prepare ideal human beings for the nation's future. This study aims to explore and …
must prepare ideal human beings for the nation's future. This study aims to explore and …
Pengembangan Karier Guru Di Pesantren Darul Ihsan Hamparan Perak Deli Serdang
AS Salabi - Continuous Education: Journal of Science and …, 2021 -
Career development is the process of identifying the employee's career potential and
material and applying the right ways to develop this potential. The teacher career …
material and applying the right ways to develop this potential. The teacher career …
Kemampuan Kepala Sekolah dan Partisipasi Orang Tua dalam Meningkatkan Performa Guru di sekolah Dasar
The principal's job is to mobilize people in the school organization so they can work
optimally. The community and parents can collaborate to provide ideas for assistance and …
optimally. The community and parents can collaborate to provide ideas for assistance and …
Konsepsi Manajemen, Manajemen Mutu Dan Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan
WR Nasution - ALACRITY: Journal of Education, 2022 -
Konsep mutu (kualitas) telah menjadi suatu kenyataan dan fenomena dalam seluruh aspek
dan dinamika masyarakat global memasauki persaingan pasar bebas sekarang ini. Jika …
dan dinamika masyarakat global memasauki persaingan pasar bebas sekarang ini. Jika …
Kepemimpinan kepala sekolah kunci keberhasilan dalam pencapaian kualitas pendidikan
A Mukhlasin - Journal Of Administration and Educational …, 2021 -
Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk memahami kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah sebagai kunci
keberhasilan dalam mencapai kualitas pendidikan. Metode penelitian ini yaitu library …
keberhasilan dalam mencapai kualitas pendidikan. Metode penelitian ini yaitu library …
The Role of Madrasah Principal in Develo** the Innovation of The Tahfidzul Qur'an Juz 30 Program
S Pamuji - Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran, 2022 -
Schools principals as leaders have the task of realizing the vision and also develo**
innovation in the implementation process. Quality educational institutions can be realized if …
innovation in the implementation process. Quality educational institutions can be realized if …
Principal Leadership in the'Merdeka Belajar'Era: Fostering Synergy for Educational Transformation
SM Ayu, A Dewi - Journal of Educational Management Research, 2023 -
The research will explore how school principals work together with various stakeholders,
show work intensity, and show innovative learning attitudes to improve the quality of …
show work intensity, and show innovative learning attitudes to improve the quality of …
Manajemen Pembiayaan Pendidikan: Analisis Pendanaan dan Pembelajaran di Sekolah SMP IT Al-Hijrah Deli Serdang
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pendaan dalam lembaga pendidikan menjadi hal
yang paling sulit untuk dilakukan dan dikendaliakan jika tidak adanya tehnik-tehnik dalam …
yang paling sulit untuk dilakukan dan dikendaliakan jika tidak adanya tehnik-tehnik dalam …