Global analysis of piecewise linear systems using impact maps and surface Lyapunov functions

JM Gonçalves, A Megretski… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2004 -
This paper presents an entirely new constructive global analysis methodology for a class of
hybrid systems known as piecewise linear systems (PLS). This methodology infers global …

Kalman-Popov-Yakubovich lemma and the S-procedure: A historical essay

SV Gusev, AL Likhtarnikov - Automation and Remote Control, 2006 - Springer
A history of two fundamental results of the mathematical system theory—the Kalman-Popov-
Yakubovich lemma and the theorem of losslessness of the S-procedure—was presented …

Zames–Falb multipliers for MIMO nonlinearities

MG Safonov, VV Kulkarni - International Journal of Robust and …, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
In their celebrated 1968 paper on nonlinear stability, Zames and Falb determined a class of
multipliers that preserve positivity of monotone SISO nonlinearities. They conjectured that …

Kuhn-Tucker-based stability conditions for systems with saturation

JA Primlos, M Giannelli - IEEE Transactions on Automatic …, 2001 -
This paper presents a new approach to deriving stability conditions for continuous-time
linear systems interconnected with a saturation. The method presented can be extended to …

On establishing classic performance measures for reset control systems

CV Hollot, O Beker, Y Chait, Q Chen - Perspectives in robust control, 2001 - Springer
Reset controllers are linear controllers that reset some of their states to zero when their
inputs reach a threshold. We are interested in their feedback connection with linear plants …

Очерк истории леммы Калмана–Попова–Якубовича и -процедуры

СВ Гусев, АЛ Лихтарников - Автоматика и телемеханика, 2006 -
Очерк истории леммы Калмана--Попова--Якубовича и $S$-процедуры Page 1 ü í ½½
¾¼¼ È Ë ¼¾º¿¼º Ý O ¾¼¼ º º þº þ º º¹ º üº º ü þ º º¹ º ¹ µ ü ü ü þü ý þ ü ˹ ¹ ˹ º ¹ º ü ˹ ¹ º ½º þ …

Further results for systems with repeated scalar nonlinearities

YC Chu - IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2001 -
A class of nonlinear systems described by a discrete-time state-equation containing a
repeated scalar nonlinearity is considered. This paper sharpens several previous results on …

Generalized quadratic Lyapunov functions for nonlinear/uncertain systems analysis

T Iwasaki - Perspectives in robust control, 2007 - Springer
We consider the class of discrete-time nonlinear/uncertain systems described by the
feedback connection of a linear time-invariant system and a “troublesome component,” ie …

Robust Analysis of Discrete‐Time Lur'e Systems with Slope Restrictions Using Convex Optimization

D Banjerdpongchai, H Kimura - Asian Journal of Control, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
This paper considers robust stability and robust performance analysis for discrete‐time
linear systems subject to nonlinear uncertainty. The uncertainty set is described by …

Global stability analysis of on/off systems

JM Gonçalves - Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on …, 2000 -
This paper considers quadratic surface Lyapunov functions in the study of global stability
analysis of on/off systems (OFS), including those OFS with unstable nonlinearity sectors. In …