Brand hate: A systematic literature review and future research agenda
With the upsurge in academia's interest in understanding the feeling of hatred toward brands
in recent years, there is a need to consolidate the relevant literature. Through this study, the …
in recent years, there is a need to consolidate the relevant literature. Through this study, the …
Citizens' trust in government as a function of good governance and government agency's provision of quality information on social media during COVID-19
M Mansoor - Government information quarterly, 2021 - Elsevier
Evidence from literature reveals that good governance practices influence citizens' attitudes
and behaviours towards the government. Therefore, grounded on the good governance …
and behaviours towards the government. Therefore, grounded on the good governance …
Perceived effectiveness of e-governance as an underlying mechanism between good governance and public trust: a case of Indonesia
Purpose This study aims to investigate the association of perceived accountability,
perceived responsiveness and perceived transparency, and public trust in local government …
perceived responsiveness and perceived transparency, and public trust in local government …
Antecedents of Public Trust in Government During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Drawing from social cognitive theory, the current study investigated the direct and indirect
relationship of public interaction with government officials on SNS (Social Network Sites) …
relationship of public interaction with government officials on SNS (Social Network Sites) …
Interactive effects of stoicism and religious co** on psychological distress, fatigue and intercultural communication
The rapid transmission of Covid-19 posed threats and challenges for people all around the
world. Based on self-ownership theory, the current study tested the interactive effect of …
world. Based on self-ownership theory, the current study tested the interactive effect of …
Utilitarian, hedonic, and self-esteem motives in online shop**
Utilitarian, hedonic, and self-esteem motives in online shop** | Emerald Insight Books and
journals Case studies Expert Briefings Open Access Publish with us Advanced search Utilitarian …
journals Case studies Expert Briefings Open Access Publish with us Advanced search Utilitarian …
[HTML][HTML] When mass meets prestige: The impact of symbolic motivations, inspirations, and purchase intentions for Masstige products
Luxury brands are increasingly targeting the middle class through 'masstige marketing'as
the trendy business opportunity,'which combines luxury and mass appeal. This strategy aims …
the trendy business opportunity,'which combines luxury and mass appeal. This strategy aims …
An empirical examination of brand hate influence on negative consumer behaviors through NeWOM intensity. Does consumer personality matter?
Limited research has investigated the consequences of brand hate, particularly the
pathways and contingent factors. This study addresses a critical gap by investigating the …
pathways and contingent factors. This study addresses a critical gap by investigating the …
Mass prestige, brand happiness and brand evangelism among consumers
Grounded on the Masstige theory, this study examines the direct and indirect impact of Mass
Prestige of a Brand (MPB), Brand Perception (BP), and Propensity to Pay the Premium …
Prestige of a Brand (MPB), Brand Perception (BP), and Propensity to Pay the Premium …
Consumers' choice behavior: An interactive effect of expected eudaimonic well‐being and green altruism
Grounded in the behavioral reasoning theory, this study aims to determine the impact that
green brand awareness (GBA) and perceived green brand credibility (PGBC) have on …
green brand awareness (GBA) and perceived green brand credibility (PGBC) have on …