Weeds and weed management in India-A Review

AN Rao, BS Chauhan - 2015 - oar.icrisat.org
India has a wide range of agroclimates and soil types. The highly diverse agriculture and
fanning systems are beset with different types of weed problems. Weeds cause 10-80% crop …

Herbicide residues and their management strategies

P Janaki, N Sharma, C Chinnusamy, N Sakthivel… - 2015 - indianjournals.com
Herbicides have become obligatory for increasing the agricultural production and to
maintain the non-cropped area free from weeds and pests. In general, herbicides are …

Evaluating weed management practices for direct sown drum seeded rice (Oryza sativa): A review

A Selvaraj, SAH Hussainy - Crop Research, 2020 - indianjournals.com
Increasing labour cost and scarcity has shifted in trend towards mechanization. Rice being a
labour-intensive crop method like direct sowing using drum seeder could help in reducing …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of encapsulated herbicides on weed control, productivity and nutrient uptake of rice (Oryza sativa)

N Bommayasamy, CR Chinnamuthu - Journal of Environmental …, 2021 - researchgate.net
Materials and Methods Study site: Field experiments were conducted at two locations viz.,
Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai and …

Assessment of co-contamination in soil samples from agricultural areas in and around Lucknow city, Uttar Pradesh, India

A Ratnakar - Current Science, 2018 - JSTOR
An environmental evaluation of agricultural lands situated close to industrial areas in and
around Lucknow city was carried out to determine the effect of co-contamination in the study …

[КНИГА][B] Herbicide residue research in India

S Sondhia, PP Choudhury, AR Sharma - 2019 - Springer
Herbicides are chemicals used for killing plants which are known as weeds. These are
basically organic compounds synthesized after intensive research to block a physiological …


N Bommayasamy, CR Chinnamuthu - Plant Archives (09725210), 2024 - plantarchives.org
The over utilization of pesticides has resulted in detrimental consequences on the
ecosystem, with their residues affecting vital natural resources such as soil and water …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of repeated and long term application of butachlor on its dissipation kinetics in rice soil

P Janaki, C Chinnusamy, S Meena… - Asian Journal of …, 2016 - academia.edu
Influence of repeated and long term application of butachlor in rice-rice crop** system on
butachlor persistence was examined by applying at 750 g/ha continuously for 12 years. Its …

Dissipation and fate of ready mix combination of pyrazosulfuron-ethyl and pretilachlor in rice field

V Ezhilarasi, P Janaki, PM Arthanari, C Chinnusamy - 2018 - indianjournals.com
Application of ready-mix herbicides containing two active ingredients in rice to manage
broad group of weeds is in practice currently. Among different ready mix formulations, one …

[PDF][PDF] Extended release of nanoencapsulated herbicides for season–long weed management

Weeds with wider adaptability and fast–growing behaviours, are primary biotic components
responsible for the substantial reduction of crop yields. Herbicide is one of the best choices …