Genome‐wide association and genomic selection in aquaculture
Recent advancements in genomic technologies have led to the discovery and application of
DNA‐markers [eg single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)] for the genetic improvement of …
DNA‐markers [eg single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)] for the genetic improvement of …
[HTML][HTML] Current status and potential of genomic selection to improve selective breeding in the main aquaculture species of International Council for the Exploration of …
Selective breeding has been successfully applied to improve profitability and sustainability
in numerous aquatic species. Recent developments of high throughput genoty** …
in numerous aquatic species. Recent developments of high throughput genoty** …
Deciphering mollusc shell production: the roles of genetic mechanisms through to ecology, aquaculture and biomimetics
Most molluscs possess shells, constructed from a vast array of microstructures and
architectures. The fully formed shell is composed of calcite or aragonite. These CaCO3 …
architectures. The fully formed shell is composed of calcite or aragonite. These CaCO3 …
Research advances in the genomics and applications for molecular breeding of aquaculture animals
X You, X Shan, Q Shi - Aquaculture, 2020 - Elsevier
High-throughput sequencing technologies have been extensively applied to genetics and
breeding in the aquaculture industry. To date, many aquaculture animal genomes have …
breeding in the aquaculture industry. To date, many aquaculture animal genomes have …
Genomic data of different resolutions reveal consistent inbreeding estimates but contrasting homozygosity landscapes for the threatened Aotearoa New Zealand hihi
Inbreeding can lead to a loss of heterozygosity in a population and when combined with
genetic drift may reduce the adaptive potential of a species. However, there is uncertainty …
genetic drift may reduce the adaptive potential of a species. However, there is uncertainty …
Potential of genomic selection for growth, meat content and colour traits in mixed-family breeding designs for the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas
Selective breeding programs have been initiated worldwide for the Pacific oyster
Crassostrea gigas to improve economically important traits such as growth and disease …
Crassostrea gigas to improve economically important traits such as growth and disease …
Aquaculture omics: An update on the current status of research and data analysis
Aquaculture is the fast-growing agricultural sector and has the ability to meet the growing
demand for protein nutritional security for future population. In future aquaculture is going to …
demand for protein nutritional security for future population. In future aquaculture is going to …
Forty questions of importance to the policy and practice of native oyster reef restoration in Europe
Oyster reefs are among the most threatened marine habitats globally. In Europe, oyster reefs
have been extirpated from most locations within their historical range. Active restoration of …
have been extirpated from most locations within their historical range. Active restoration of …
Unveiling the ecological applications of ancient DNA from mollusk shells
The shells of marine mollusks represent promising metagenomic archives of the past,
adding to bones, teeth, hairs, and environmental samples most commonly examined in …
adding to bones, teeth, hairs, and environmental samples most commonly examined in …
NORA moving forward: Develo** an oyster restoration network in Europe to support the Berlin Oyster Recommendation
B Pogoda, P Boudry, C Bromley… - Aquatic …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Native Oyster Restoration Alliance (NORA) supports the protection and
ecological restoration of the native European oyster, Ostrea edulis, and its habitat across its …
ecological restoration of the native European oyster, Ostrea edulis, and its habitat across its …