Subjectivity as a site of struggle: refusing neoliberalism?
SJ Ball - British journal of sociology of education, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
This paper extends the author's previous enquiries and discussions of governmentality and
neoliberal policy technologies in a number of ways. The paper explores the specificity and …
neoliberal policy technologies in a number of ways. The paper explores the specificity and …
From hegemonic masculinity to the hegemony of men
J Hearn - Feminist theory, 2004 -
This article evaluates the usefulness of the concept of hegemony in theorizing men. The
discussion is located within the framework of 'Critical Studies on Men'(CSM), in which the …
discussion is located within the framework of 'Critical Studies on Men'(CSM), in which the …
[KNIHA][B] Spaces of colonialism: Delhi's urban governmentalities
S Legg - 2008 -
Examines the residential, policed, and infrastructural landscapes of New and Old Delhi
under British Rule. The first book of its kind to present a comparative history of New and Old …
under British Rule. The first book of its kind to present a comparative history of New and Old …
What can be known and how? Narrated subjects and the Listening Guide
This article grapples with the question ofwhat can be known?'about research subjects and
how we can come to know them. Set against a backdrop of theoretical tensions over the …
how we can come to know them. Set against a backdrop of theoretical tensions over the …
[KNIHA][B] Foucault as educator
SJ Ball - 2017 - Springer
Michel Foucault is a starting point or a set of starting points for this book, not its subject. It
consists of a set of improvisations, drawing on Foucault's ideas, that address what the idea …
consists of a set of improvisations, drawing on Foucault's ideas, that address what the idea …
[KNIHA][B] War, identity and the liberal state: Everyday experiences of the geopolitical in the armed forces
V Basham - 2013 -
This book critically examines the significance of gender, race and sexuality to wars waged
by liberal states. Drawing on original field-research with British soldiers, it offers insights into …
by liberal states. Drawing on original field-research with British soldiers, it offers insights into …
Political animals? On animals as subjects in an enlarged political geography
K Hobson - Political Geography, 2007 - Elsevier
This paper is positioned within on-going debates about the expansion and re-theorization of
political geography's ambit. It argues that animals could and should be included as subjects …
political geography's ambit. It argues that animals could and should be included as subjects …
[PDF][PDF] Feminist approaches: An exploration of women's gendered experiences
P Kiguwa - Transforming research methods in the social …, 2019 -
Feminist research approaches are diverse in their emphasis and method. However, all
feminist-oriented research consists of core features that address the ontology and …
feminist-oriented research consists of core features that address the ontology and …
“Women… mourn and men carry on”: African women storying mourning practices: A South African example
E Kotzé, L Els, N Rajuili-Masilo - Death studies, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
African mourning of loss of lives in South Africa has been shaped by discursive practices of
both traditional African cultures and the sociopolitical developments under apartheid and in …
both traditional African cultures and the sociopolitical developments under apartheid and in …
On the making of the environmental citizen
K Hobson - Environmental Politics, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Debates about how to foster green/environmental citizenship have been central to
environmental politics research in the past few decades. While a great deal of this work …
environmental politics research in the past few decades. While a great deal of this work …