The Mohorovičić discontinuity beneath the continental crust: An overview of seismic constraints
The seismic signature of the Moho from which geologic and tectonic evolution hypotheses
are derived is to a large degree a result of the seismic methodology which has been used to …
are derived is to a large degree a result of the seismic methodology which has been used to …
Crustal thickness and velocity structure across the Moroccan Atlas from long offset wide‐angle reflection seismic data: The SIMA experiment
The crustal structure and topography of the Moho boundary beneath the Atlas Mountains of
Morocco has been constrained by a controlled source, wide‐angle seismic reflection …
Morocco has been constrained by a controlled source, wide‐angle seismic reflection …
Crustal seismic structure beneath Portugal and southern Galicia (Western Iberia) and the role of Variscan inheritance
The crustal structure in Western Iberia, is the result of a complex geodynamic history. Most of
the surface is covered by rocks dating to the Variscan orogeny, the coastal ranges …
the surface is covered by rocks dating to the Variscan orogeny, the coastal ranges …
A seismic geotraverse across the Iberian Variscides: Orogenic shortening, collisional magmatism, and orocline development
A crustal geotraverse through the Iberian Variscides is presented by integrating the
available geological and seismic profiling data. Different modes of orogenic shortening are …
available geological and seismic profiling data. Different modes of orogenic shortening are …
Variscan cycle
JF Simancas - The Geology of Iberia: A Geodynamic Approach …, 2019 - Springer
This chapter summarizes the classical and recent ideas together with the geodynamic
hypotheses regarding the Variscan Cycle in Iberia, as an introduction to the more extensive …
hypotheses regarding the Variscan Cycle in Iberia, as an introduction to the more extensive …
Nature of the lithosphere across the Variscan orogen of SW Iberia: Dense wide‐angle seismic reflection data
Two wide‐angle seismic transects have been acquired across the SW Iberian Massif. They
crossed three major geological zones (South Portuguese Zone, Ossa‐Morena Zone, and …
crossed three major geological zones (South Portuguese Zone, Ossa‐Morena Zone, and …
Physical and mechanical rock properties of a heterogeneous volcano; the case of Mount Unzen, Japan
Volcanoes represent one of the most critical geological settings for hazard modelling due to
their propensity to both unpredictably erupt and collapse, even in times of quiescence …
their propensity to both unpredictably erupt and collapse, even in times of quiescence …
[HTML][HTML] Lithospheric image of the Central Iberian Zone (Iberian Massif) using global-phase seismic interferometry
The Spanish Central System is an intraplate mountain range that divides the Iberian Inner
Plateau in two sectors–the northern Duero Basin and the Tajo Basin to the south. The …
Plateau in two sectors–the northern Duero Basin and the Tajo Basin to the south. The …
[HTML][HTML] What can seismic noise tell us about the Alpine reactivation of the Iberian Massif? An example in the Iberian Central System
The Iberian Central System, formed after the Alpine reactivation of the Variscan Iberian
Massif, features maximum altitudes of 2500 m. It is surrounded by two foreland basins with …
Massif, features maximum altitudes of 2500 m. It is surrounded by two foreland basins with …
Geophysical model of the lithosphere across the Variscan Belt of SW-Iberia: Multidisciplinary assessment
A multidisciplinary geophysical study along a large seismic transect in the SW-Iberian
Peninsula has been carried out. This study integrates the crustal structure, geometry and …
Peninsula has been carried out. This study integrates the crustal structure, geometry and …