Systems and methods for localizing a target for radiotherapy based on digital tomosynthesis

FF Yin, DJ Godfrey, M Oldham, JT Dobbins III - US Patent 7,532,705, 2009 - Google Patents
Abstract Systems and methods for localizing a target for radiotherapy based on digital
tomosynthesis are provided. According to one method, DTS verification image data of a …

Systems and methods to improve clarity in ultrasound images

Y Wang, F Yang, SH Bloch, S Dudycha… - US Patent …, 2012 - Google Patents
Systems, methods, and devices for image clarity of ultra Sound-based images are described
wherein motion sections are compensated with the still sections of the region of inter est …

Registration of fluoroscopic images of the chest and corresponding 3D image data based on the ribs and spine

L Rai, JD Gibbs, H Wibowo - US Patent 9,875,544, 2018 - Google Patents
The present invention is a method to register 3D image data with fluoroscopic images of the
chest of a patient. The ribs and spine, which are visible in the fluoroscopic images, are …

System and method to identify and measure organ wall boundaries

F Yang, S Dudycha, G McMorrow - US Patent 7,819,806, 2010 - Google Patents
Related US Application Data Continuation-in-part of application No. 1 1/213,284, filed on
Aug. 26, 2005, and a continuation-in-part of application No. 11/119,355, filed on Apr. 29 …

Systems and methods for quantification and classification of fluids in human cavities in ultrasound images

G McMorrow, V Chalana, J Yuk, H Baartmans… - US Patent …, 2012 - Google Patents
Ultrasound imaging systems and methods are disclosed. In one embodiment, an
ultrasonography method includes creat ing a database that is representative of a tissue, a …

System and method for bladder detection using harmonic imaging

G McMorrow, F Yang - US Patent 8,167,803, 2012 - Google Patents

Surgical assistance planning method using lung motion analysis

L Rai, JD Gibbs, H Wibowo - US Patent 9,020,229, 2015 - Google Patents
One embodiment of the present invention is a method for assisting a Surgeon to analyze the
motion of a lung. Two 3D CT images are obtained as input. One 3D CT image repre sents …

Instantaneous ultrasonic measurement of bladder volume

G McMorrow, H Baartmans, N Bom… - US Patent …, 2012 - Google Patents
An apparatus and methods to quantify the Volume of urine in a human bladder with a limited
number of acoustic beams is disclosed. In a first version the apparatus is composed of a …

Method, system and software product for providing efficient registration of 3D image data

D Dekel, R Chandrashekara - US Patent 8,218,905, 2012 - Google Patents
The invention relates to a method, system and computer program product for registering 3D
image data. It comprises (a) receiving a first 3D image and a second 3D image;(b) …

Device, system and method to measure abdominal aortic aneurysm diameter

J Yuk, G McMorrow - US Patent 8,133,181, 2012 - Google Patents
5.6445 13 A 7, 1997 R et al... 364,572 6,491,631 B2 12/2002 Chiao et al......... 600/443 36; R
767 El et al.... 128,774 6,494,841 B1 12/2002 Thomas et al......... 600,447 5,697.525. A …